Christiana Hundred

New Castle County, Delaware


"The Hundred" hundred is an historical or geographical term rather than a functioning administrative unit. In Delaware the hundreds are now used primarily for property descriptions in real estate transactions or for historical reference, not for governing.



Christiana Hundred is an unincorporated subdivision of New Castle County, Delaware. Hundreds were once used as a basis for representation in the Delaware General Assembly, and while their names still appear on all real estate transactions, they presently have no meaningful use or purpose except as a geographical point of reference.

Christiana Hundred is that portion of New Castle County that lies north of the Christina River and White Clay Creek, west of the Brandywine Creek and east of the Red Clay Creek, excepting that portion in the southeast included in Wilmington Hundred. Its northern boundary follows a portion of the 12 mile arc drawn around the town of New Castle. It was one of the original hundreds in Delaware created in 1682 and was named for the Christina River that flows along its southern boundary. When created it included some of the area now in Mill Creek Hundred, White Clay Hundred, and Pencader Hundred, all of which were split off in 1710. It also included much of the area now in Wilmington Hundred, which was split off 1833. [source:]

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