A Fine Site for Something
Another fact often remarked regarding this terminus of the Bald Eagle Mountain is that it serves as a natural wind-break, and affords protection to the inhabitants for miles around its southern and eastern base. Considering this circumstance, in connection with all the other facts mentioned; the pure water and health-giving mountain air; the abundance of excellent stone for building; the fine body of fertile land; the perfect drainage; the ever beautiful and extensive panorama of diversified landscape; the convenience of direct access to two of the country's greatest systems of railroads – Reading and Pennsylvania; these various topographical and commercial features combine to make this an admirable site either for an elaborate private residence, with ample and artistically improved grounds, for some financial nabob, – a Vanderbilt, or Carnegie, or a Rockefeller; or it would be a delightful situation for a first-class public summer hotel, where the wearied dwellers of the crowded city could find rest and recuperation; or it is an ideal place for, a sumptuous club-house and breathing place for an association of well-to-do people, where they could have the delights of rural and mountain life combined with the luxuries and conveniences of metropolitan existence; or what for the sake of humanity would be even more desirable, it would be a superb location for some needed and important educational or beneficial institution. The beautiful Susquehanna, with its sparkling surface, contributes largely to the charm of the scene. From the Muncy Dam up to Butler's Ripples, a stretch of six miles or more, the stream is as placid as a lake, and is an ideal sheet of water for recreation, and for regattas with scull-boats or canoes.
The Gombach Group • 215-295-6555 • www.gombach.com