Neighborhoods in
Kaufman County
New / Updated
[ Kaufman City ]
Able Springs Area [ Terrell City ]
Able Springs Ranchettes [ Terrell City ]
Abner Acres [ Terrell City ]
Abner Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Abner Road Ranchettes [ Kaufman City ]
Acorn Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Alamo Heights [ Terrell City ]
Alcris Estates [ Terrell City ]
Alta Vista Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Amber Fields [ Forney City ]
Amber Heights [ Scurry Town ]
Apple Tree Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Atherton Acres [ Kemp Town ]
Austin Place [ Forney City ]
Bantry Gardens [ Forney City ]
Baywood Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Beacon Hill [ Kemp Town ]
Beautiful Acres East [ Scurry Town ]
Beautiful Acres West [ Scurry Town ]
Beautiful Shores [ Mabank Town ]
Bederkesa [ Forney City ]
Bend East [ Kaufman City ]
Bend West [ Kaufman City ]
Bent Oak Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Bent Tree Estates [ Combine City ]
Blanton Ranch [ Kemp Town ]
Bluff View [ Mabank Town ]
Bluff View Estates [ Forney City ]
Bonita Point [ Mabank Town ]
Breezy Hill [ Terrell City ]
Briar Creek Estates [ Crandall City ]
Briarwood West Shores [ Kemp Town ]
Brookhollow Estates [ Forney City ]
Brookville Estates [ Forney City ]
Brushy Creek [ Terrell City ]
Buffalo Acres [ Forney City ]
Buffalo Creek Estates [ Crandall City ]
Burrows [ Terrell City ]
Bushwacker [ Mabank Town ]
Calvary Oaks Estates [ Terrell City ]
Cameron Heights [ Kaufman City ]
Cap City [ Kemp Town ]
Carol Shores [ Mabank Town ]
Carolyn Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Carson Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Catalyst Addition [ Kemp Town ]
Causeway Bay [ Kemp Town ]
Causeway Beach [ Kemp Town ]
Causeway Cove [ Kemp Town ]
Cavalier Estates [ Terrell City ]
Cedar Acres [ Mabank Town ]
Cedar Branch Park [ Mabank Town ]
Cedar Creek Country Club [ Kemp Town ]
Cedar Creek Lake [ Mabank Town ]
Cedar Knoll Addition [ Kemp Town ]
Cedar Lane Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Cedarview Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Cherokee Hills [ Mabank Town ]
Cherokee Shores [ Mabank Town ]
Chickasaw Acres [ Kemp Town ]
Circle M Ranch Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Clear View Acres [ Kaufman City ]
Clearman [ Crandall City ]
Club Lake Estates [ Scurry Town ]
Coffee City [ Kemp Town ]
College Mound Acres [ Terrell City ]
College Mound Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Colonial Acres [ Forney City ]
Colonial Estates [ Terrell City ]
Connor [ Forney City ]
Coolwater Estates [ Forney City ]
Cottage Heights [ Kaufman City ]
Cottonwood Creek [ Scurry Town ]
Cottonwood Creek Estates [ Scurry Town ]
Cottonwood Estates [ Combine City ]
Country Acres [ Kaufman City ]
Country Arbor [ Forney City ]
Country Club Estates [ Terrell City ]
Country Club Manor [ Terrell City ]
Country Club North [ Kemp Town ]
Country Club Shores [ Kemp Town ]
Country Club Terrace [ Kemp Town ]
Country Club Village [ Kemp Town ]
Country Corner [ Terrell City ]
Country Meadows Estates [ Terrell City ]
Countryview Estates [ Crandall City ]
Crandall Creek Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Creek Ranch [ Kaufman City ]
Creekside Estates [ Terrell City ]
Creekview Acres [ Crandall City ]
Creekview Esates [ Crandall City ]
Cross Creek [ Kemp Town ]
Crystal Springs [ Kaufman City ]
Cuaseway Beach [ Kemp Town ]
Dallas East Estates [ Crandall City ]
Dalview Estates [ Forney City ]
Deer Island Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Deerfield Heights [ Forney City ]
Devonshire [ Forney City ]
Dewberry [ Terrell City ]
Diamond Acres [ Kaufman City ]
Diamond Creek [ Forney City ]
Eastside Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Eastwood [ Forney City ]
Edw Fitzgerald [ Kemp Town ]
Elmo [ Terrell City ]
Elmo Meadows [ Terrell City ]
Elwood Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Emerald Estates [ Kemp Town ]
Emerald Ranch Estates [ Forney City ]
Emerald Valley Estates [ Terrell City ]
Enclave On Cedar Creek [ Mabank Town ]
Equestrian Estates [ Terrell City ]
Esquire Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Ewing Estates [ Terrell City ]
Fair Haven Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Fairview [ Terrell City ]
Fairway Gardens [ Kemp Town ]
Farm View Estates [ Terrell City ]
Fieldcrest Estates [ Kemp Town ]
Fireside Estates [ Forney City ]
Forest Acres [ Mabank Town ]
Forest Glen [ Mabank Town ]
Forest Park Addition [ Kemp Town ]
Forgotten Acres [ Mabank Town ]
Forrest Creek [ Terrell City ]
Founders Addition [ Forney City ]
Founders Addition [ Talty City ]
Founders Place [ Talty City ]
Four Oaks [ Kemp Town ]
Four Post Ranch [ Terrell City ]
Fox Hollow [ Forney City ]
Freeman Park Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Friendly Acres [ Talty City ]
Geo Isaac [ Mabank Town ]
Glen Haven [ Terrell City ]
Glen Haven Estates [ Terrell City ]
Glen Oaks [ Mabank Town ]
Golden Meadow [ Forney City ]
Golden Oaks [ Mabank Town ]
Golfing Green Estates [ Crandall City ]
Grande Verde [ Terrell City ]
Grandview Estates [ Forney City ]
Grayhawk Addition [ Forney City ]
Greco Estates [ Terrell City ]
Green Acres [ Mabank Town ]
Green Meadow Farms [ Terrell City ]
Griffith Place Addition [ Terrell City ]
Grove Point [ Kaufman City ]
Guyton Estates [ Forney City ]
Hahn Addition [ Kaufman City ]
Hamilton [ Mabank Town ]
Harbor Light Villas [ Mabank Town ]
Harbor Oaks [ Mabank Town ]
Harmony Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Havenridge Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Hawks Landing [ Kemp Town ]
Heart Stone Estates [ Forney City ]
Heather Hollow [ Forney City ]
Hensley [ Kaufman City ]
Heritage Hill [ Forney City ]
Hickory Heights [ Kaufman City ]
Hidden Hills Harbor [ Mabank Town ]
Hidden Oaks Estates [ Terrell City ]
High Meadow Acres [ Terrell City ]
High Meadows [ Forney City ]
High Meadows Estates [ Terrell City ]
High Point [ Terrell City ]
High Point Acres [ Terrell City ]
High Point Lake Estates [ Forney City ]
High Pont Estates [ Terrell City ]
High Ridge Estates [ Forney City ]
Highland Estates [ Forney City ]
Highland Prairie [ Forney City ]
Highlands at Oak Ridge [ Oak Ridge ]
Hill View [ Kaufman City ]
Hillcrest [ Kaufman City ]
Hillcrest Shores [ Mabank Town ]
Hilltop Acres [ Kemp Town ]
Hilltop Terrace [ Terrell City ]
Homeplace Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Honeysuckle Meadows [ Forney City ]
Horseshoe Estates [ Forney City ]
Hudman Addition [ Kemp Town ]
Hunters Glen Estates [ Forney City ]
Hunters Green Estates [ Talty City ]
Imperial Point [ Mabank Town ]
Indian Harbor [ Mabank Town ]
Interstate 20 Estates [ Terrell City ]
Ivy Acres [ Kaufman City ]
Jasper Meadows [ Kaufman City ]
Kaufman Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Kaufman Terrace [ Terrell City ]
Keith Addition [ Kaufman City ]
Kennedy Heights [ Terrell City ]
Key Colony Acres [ Mabank Town ]
Kings Creek [ Terrell City ]
Kings Creek Estates [ Terrell City ]
Kings Tree [ Kaufman City ]
Kriska Mesa Estates [ Terrell City ]
La Martinique [ Mabank Town ]
Lago Vista Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Lago Vista Estates [ Terrell City ]
Lakehurst Meadows [ Forney City ]
Lakeshore [ Kemp Town ]
Lakeside Acres [ Kemp Town ]
Lakeside Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Lakeview [ Forney City ]
Lakeview 02 [ Forney City ]
Landings [ Kemp Town ]
Layden Farms [ Forney City ]
Layden Farms [ Talty City ]
Leisureland [ Mabank Town ]
Life Scape Condos [ Mabank Town ]
Lighthouse Landing [ Mabank Town ]
Lone Elm Estates [ Forney City ]
Lone Star Estates [ Forney City ]
Lonesome Creek [ Kemp Town ]
Lonestar Estates [ Crandall City ]
Longspur Estates [ Terrell City ]
Lost Creek [ Crandall City ]
Lost Creek Estates [ Forney City ]
Lost Creek Estates [ Terrell City ]
Lynn Creek Cove [ Mabank Town ]
Macs Oaks [ Mabank Town ]
Marina Cove [ Mabank Town ]
Markout Estates [ Forney City ]
Massengill [ Terrell City ]
Massengill 02 [ Terrell City ]
Maxamilia [ Terrell City ]
Mayfair Estates [ Kaufman City ]
McDaniel Addition [ Crandall City ]
McKeller Home Place [ Forney City ]
Meadow Creek Addition [ Crandall City ]
Meadow Oaks [ Scurry Town ]
Meadow Ranch Estates [ Scurry Town ]
Meadow Ridge [ Kaufman City ]
Meadow Vista [ Terrell City ]
Meadow Wood Park Ranch [ Terrell City ]
Meadow Wood Park Ranch Estates [ Terrell City ]
Meadowbrook Acres [ Kaufman City ]
Meadowbrook Acres [ Terrell City ]
Meadowview Addition [ Kaufman City ]
Meridith [ Terrell City ]
Metrocrest Addition [ Terrell City ]
Michaels Cove [ Mabank Town ]
Mid-Town Addition [ Crandall City ]
Miller Farms [ Forney City ]
Murphy [ Crandall City ]
Mustang Creek [ Forney City ]
Mustang Creek Country Estates [ Forney City ]
Mustang Place [ Forney City ]
Nike Country Estates [ Terrell City ]
Nob Hill [ Kemp Town ]
Northlake Estates [ Kemp Town ]
Northview [ Terrell City ]
Northwood Estates [ Terrell City ]
Norton [ Terrell City ]
Oak Creek Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Oak Harbor [ Mabank Town ]
Oak Hill Estates [ Terrell City ]
Oak Landing [ Kemp Town ]
Oak Meadows [ Kaufman City ]
Oak Ridge Estates [ Oak Ridge ]
Oak Shores Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Oak Trail Estates [ Scurry Town ]
Oak View Acres [ Kaufman City ]
Oakhollow [ Combine City ]
Oakview Acres [ Crandall City ]
Oakwood Shores [ Mabank Town ]
Palmer Addition [ Kaufman City ]
Park Creek [ Forney City ]
Park Creek Estates [ Forney City ]
Park Lake Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Park Place [ Terrell City ]
Park Trails [ Forney City ]
Pea Ridge Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Peacefull Valley Estates [ Terrell City ]
Pebble Creek Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Peeltown [ Scurry Town ]
Peninsula Crossing [ Kemp Town ]
Persimmon Creek [ Kemp Town ]
Pinnacle Club [ Mabank Town ]
Pinson [ Forney City ]
Pioneer Terraces Addition [ Terrell City ]
Pleasant Acres Estates [ Terrell City ]
Pleasant Oak Beach [ Kemp Town ]
Poetry Estates [ Terrell City ]
Post Oak Bend Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Prairie Creek Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Prairie Hill Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Prairie Hill Estates 04 [ Mabank Town ]
Prairie Hills [ Mabank Town ]
Prairieville Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Prestige Point [ Kemp Town ]
Princeton Estates [ Terrell City ]
Quail Creek Bend [ Talty City ]
Quail Creek Bend [ Terrell City ]
Quail Ridge [ Kaufman City ]
Qual Run Crossing [ Crandall City ]
R And R Ranchettes [ Kemp Town ]
Ragland Estates [ Crandall City ]
Raleigh Estates [ Forney City ]
Remington [ Kaufman City ]
Ricca Holly Lots [ Scurry Town ]
Ridgeview Acres [ Kaufman City ]
River Bend Estates [ Combine City ]
River Oaks [ Kaufman City ]
River Oaks [ Oak Ridge ]
River Oaks Estates [ Oak Ridge ]
River Ridge Addition [ Crandall City ]
Roberts Park [ Terrell City ]
Rock-N-Rest [ Kemp Town ]
Rolling Oaks [ Kemp Town ]
Rose Hill Estates [ Terrell City ]
Royal Acres [ Kemp Town ]
Royal Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Saddleclub Estates [ Forney City ]
Sand Oak Ranchettrs [ Scurry Town ]
Sandy Ridge [ Scurry Town ]
Sapphire Ridge [ Kaufman City ]
Seven Points [ Kemp Town ]
Shadow Ridge Farms [ Terrell City ]
Shady Meadows [ Scurry Town ]
Shady Oaks [ Terrell City ]
Shamrock Ridge [ Forney City ]
Shamrock Ridge [ Talty City ]
Silver Creek [ Scurry Town ]
Skyline Acres [ Crandall City ]
Skyline Estates [ Forney City ]
Sleepy Hollow Meadows [ Terrell City ]
South Bend [ Kaufman City ]
South Bend Estates [ Kaufman City ]
South Lake [ Forney City ]
South Ridge [ Terrell City ]
Southlake Estates [ Forney City ]
Southwood Shores [ Mabank Town ]
Spanish Shores [ Mabank Town ]
Spillview Estates [ Mabank Town ]
Spring Valley Acres [ Kemp Town ]
St Francis on the Lake [ Mabank Town ]
Stallings [ Terrell City ]
Star Acres [ Terrell City ]
Still Addition [ Kemp Town ]
Stocks Second [ Terrell City ]
Stone Hearth [ Forney City ]
Stonebriar Way [ Terrell City ]
Summerall [ Mabank Town ]
Sundown Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Sundrift [ Mabank Town ]
Sunset Acres [ Mabank Town ]
Sunset Place [ Forney City ]
Sunset Trace [ Kaufman City ]
Talty Estates [ Forney City ]
Tanglewood Beach [ Kemp Town ]
Taylor Ranch [ Kaufman City ]
Taylor Terrace [ Mabank Town ]
Teague Ranchettes [ Kemp Town ]
Terrell Heights [ Terrell City ]
Terrell Terrace [ Terrell City ]
The 175 Place [ Kemp Town ]
The Highlands [ Mabank Town ]
The Ridge [ Forney City ]
The Trails of Chestnut Meadows [ Forney City ]
The Villages of Fox Hollow [ Forney City ]
Thos Kell [ Scurry Town ]
Thousand Oaks [ Kemp Town ]
Three Harbors [ Mabank Town ]
Timarron Estates [ Kaufman City ]
Timarron Estates [ Scurry Town ]
Timber Bay [ Mabank Town ]
Timber Creek [ Kemp Town ]
Tona Acres [ Terrell City ]
Tower Place Addition [ Terrell City ]
Town North [ Terrell City ]
Town North Estates [ Terrell City ]
Travis Ranch [ Forney City ]
Tree Country Manor [ Terrell City ]
Trinitee Estates [ Oak Ridge ]
Trinity Hills [ Kemp Town ]
Trinity Meadows [ Crandall City ]
Trojan Horse Estates [ Terrell City ]
Twin Oaks [ Kaufman City ]
University Estates [ Forney City ]
Valley Park [ Kaufman City ]
Valverde [ Terrell City ]
Village at Oak Ridge [ Terrell City ]
Village Square Addition [ Forney City ]
Villages of Fox Hollow [ Forney City ]
Virginia Heights [ Terrell City ]
Warren [ Terrell City ]
Warsaw [ Crandall City ]
Washington Heights [ Terrell City ]
Watkins Estates [ Kemp Town ]
Wellington Park [ Kaufman City ]
West Oak Ridge [ Kemp Town ]
Westvue [ Terrell City ]
Wheeler [ Terrell City ]
Wild Acres [ Kaufman City ]
Wildwood Acres [ Kemp Town ]
Willow Bend Estates [ Combine City ]
Willow Lakes Estates [ Crandall City ]
Wilson Terrace [ Terrell City ]
Winchester Park [ Terrell City ]
Windmill Farms [ Forney City ]
Windsong Heights [ Kaufman City ]
Windsor Park [ Kaufman City ]
Winners Circle [ Forney City ]
Winners Circle [ Talty City ]
Winners Circle [ Terrell City ]
Wood Canyon Waters [ Mabank Town ]
Woodbridge Estates [ Forney City ]
Woodland [ Mabank Town ]
Woodland Acres [ Kemp Town ]
Woodland Hills [ Kemp Town ]
Woodruff Ranchettes [ Kemp Town ]
Woods North [ Kemp Town ]
Woods West [ Kemp Town ]
Woody Creek [ Kemp Town ]
Wynchase Crossing [ Crandall City ]
Yellow Rock Ridge [ Terrell City ]
Zagota Crossing [ Terrell City ]
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