Neighborhoods in
Parker County
New / Updated
Acock Acres [ Weatherford City ]
Adams [ Weatherford City ]
Aledo Country Estates [ Aledo City ]
Aledo Estates [ Aledo City ]
Aledo Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Aledo Lakes Estates [ Aledo City ]
Aledo Meadows [ Aledo City ]
Anderson [ Weatherford City ]
Apache Flats [ Aledo City ]
Apes Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Arapahoe [ Weatherford City ]
Arapahoe Ridge [ Weatherford City ]
Ash Creek Estates [ Sanctuary Town ]
Austin Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Aycock Acres [ Weatherford City ]
Bankhead [ Aledo City ]
Banks [ Weatherford City ]
Barbara Ann Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Barmac [ Weatherford City ]
Bedinger Place [ Weatherford City ]
Bella Flora [ Aledo City ]
Bella Vista [ Aledo City ]
Bill Evans Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Blackmon Addition [ Springtown City ]
Blue Quail Valley [ Weatherford City ]
Blue Ridge Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Blue Sky Valley [ Springtown City ]
Blue Sky Valley [ Weatherford City ]
Bluff Ridge [ Weatherford City ]
Bonnie Bell Estates [ Springtown City ]
Bonnie Belle [ Springtown City ]
Brannan Pf [ Weatherford City ]
Brazos Ridge Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Brendon Oaks Estates [ Springtown City ]
Briarwood [ Weatherford City ]
Bridlewood Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Brighton Meadows [ Springtown City ]
Brittons [ Weatherford City ]
Brockelman Estates [ Springtown City ]
Browder [ Springtown City ]
Brown Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Bryants Add [ Aledo City ]
Buckingham [ Weatherford City ]
Buckingham Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Buena Vista [ Willow Park City ]
Bullion Addition [ Springtown City ]
C C Acres [ Springtown City ]
Caballos Estates [ Springtown City ]
Caballos Ranch [ Springtown City ]
Canyon Creek Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
Canyon Lake Estates [ Aledo City ]
Canyon Ridge Estates [ Aledo City ]
Canyon Valley Estates [ Springtown City ]
Canyon Valley Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Canyon West [ Weatherford City ]
Carpenter Estates [ Springtown City ]
Carter Hills [ Weatherford City ]
Carters Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Casa De Los Indios [ Springtown City ]
Causbie Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Cedar Ridge [ Weatherford City ]
Chaparral [ Springtown City ]
Chapman Hills Estates [ Aledo City ]
Chimney Rock [ Weatherford City ]
Chimney Rock Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Chisholm Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Chisolm Trail Estates [ Springtown City ]
Circle T Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Classic Country Estates [ Springtown City ]
Clear Creek Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Clear Fork Properties [ Weatherford City ]
Clear Lake Country [ Weatherford City ]
Clear Lake Estates [ Weatherford City ]
College Park [ Weatherford City ]
Collins Park Place [ Weatherford City ]
Colonial Creek Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Comanche Crossing [ Weatherford City ]
Connaways [ Weatherford City ]
Cooperstown [ Springtown City ]
Cornerstone [ Aledo City ]
Cornerstone Estates [ Springtown City ]
Cottonwood Branch Ranchettes [ Springtown City ]
Country Acres [ Aledo City ]
Country Brook [ Weatherford City ]
Country Brook Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Country Brook Park [ Weatherford City ]
Country Brook Park Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Country Club [ Weatherford City ]
Country Club Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Country Club Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Country Lane Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Country Living Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Country Place [ Weatherford City ]
Covered Bridge Canyon [ Aledo City ]
Cravers Acres [ Weatherford City ]
Crazy Horse Ranchos [ Weatherford City ]
Creek Bend Ranch [ Poolville ]
Creek View [ Springtown City ]
Creek View Estates [ Springtown City ]
Creekside [ Aledo City ]
Crestwood Estates [ Springtown City ]
Crowder [ Weatherford City ]
Crown Road Estates [ Willow Park City ]
Crown Valley [ Weatherford City ]
Crown Valley Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Dalton Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Deer Creek [ Aledo City ]
Deerbutte Ranchos [ Weatherford City ]
Deerfield Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Dennys [ Weatherford City ]
Denton Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Diamond Oaks [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Diamond Oaks [ Weatherford City ]
Diamond Ridge Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
Dianes Way [ Weatherford City ]
Dixon Woods [ Aledo City ]
Dove Hill [ Weatherford City ]
Doyles Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Driftwood Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
Duchane Chateaux Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Eagles Crest [ Weatherford City ]
East Bankhead Addition [ Weatherford City ]
East View [ Springtown City ]
Eastwood Addition [ Springtown City ]
Echo Valley [ Weatherford City ]
El Chico Addition [ Willow Park City ]
El Rancho Estates [ Aledo City ]
Eli Curby Lt Mitchell [ Millsap Town ]
Elk Hollow Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Ellis Creek [ Weatherford City ]
Ellis Creek Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
Enchanted Oaks [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Encino Springs [ Weatherford City ]
Estates at Cedar Creek Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
Estates Of Springtown [ Springtown City ]
Estates Of Timber Creek [ Weatherford City ]
Farris [ Aledo City ]
Flat Rock [ Weatherford City ]
Forest Bend [ Weatherford City ]
Forest Park [ Weatherford City ]
Forest Ridge [ Weatherford City ]
Fossil Ridge [ Weatherford City ]
Fox Hollow [ Weatherford City ]
Fox Hollow Chase [ Weatherford City ]
Foxpointe [ Weatherford City ]
Foxpointe Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Friendship Estates [ Weatherford City ]
G And H Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Glen Oaks Addition [ Springtown City ]
Green Acres [ Weatherford City ]
Green Meadows [ Springtown City ]
Green Oaks [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Green Oaks Estates [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Greenwood [ Weatherford City ]
Greenwood Ranch Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Grindstone Estates [ Millsap Town ]
Haciendas at Silverado [ Weatherford City ]
Haleys Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Hamptons [ Springtown City ]
Haney [ Springtown City ]
Hargus [ Springtown City ]
Harmony Oaks [ Weatherford City ]
Harmony Oaks Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Harmony Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
Hayley Addition [ Springtown City ]
Heather Place [ Weatherford City ]
Heatherridge [ Weatherford City ]
Heritage [ Weatherford City ]
Heritage Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Heritage Hills [ Weatherford City ]
Heritage Oaks [ Springtown City ]
Heritage Pointe [ Weatherford City ]
Hickory Bend [ Weatherford City ]
Hickory Lane [ Weatherford City ]
Hidden Acres [ Weatherford City ]
Hidden Creek [ Weatherford City ]
Hidden Lake Ranch Estates [ Aledo City ]
Hidden Oaks [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Hidden Oaks [ Weatherford City ]
Hidden Valley Estates [ Aledo City ]
Hidden Valley Estates [ Weatherford City ]
High View Oaks [ Weatherford City ]
Highland [ Weatherford City ]
Highland Hills Addition [ Poolville ]
Highland Park [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Highland Park [ Weatherford City ]
Highland Ranch Estates [ Aledo City ]
Highview Oaks [ Weatherford City ]
Hiland Park [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Hill Country Estates [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Hillcrest [ Willow Park City ]
Hillcrest Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Hills Addition [ Springtown City ]
Hills Of Aledo [ Aledo City ]
Hillside Estates [ Springtown City ]
Holiday Hills [ Weatherford City ]
Holly Oak Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Homestead Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Horseshoe Bend [ Weatherford City ]
Horseshoe Bend Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Howards Crossing [ Aledo City ]
Hudson Heights [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Hunters Ridge [ Weatherford City ]
Hutcheson Oaks [ Springtown City ]
Ice House Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Imperial Mammoth [ Weatherford City ]
Imperial Mammoth Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Imperial Mammoth Valley [ Weatherford City ]
Imperial Mammoth Valley Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Indian Springs [ Aledo City ]
Indian Springs Rang [ Springtown City ]
Iveys Addition [ Weatherford City ]
J E Woody Estates [ Springtown City ]
Jackson Place [ Springtown City ]
Jamberly Hills [ Springtown City ]
Jefferson Weatherford Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Jesse F Montgomery [ Springtown City ]
Jm Carey [ Springtown City ]
Jordan Oaks [ Weatherford City ]
Jordan Ranch [ Aledo City ]
Jordan Ranch Estates [ Aledo City ]
Kelly View [ Weatherford City ]
Kelly View Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Kendall Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Kinbrook Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Kutch Heights [ Weatherford City ]
La Colina [ Weatherford City ]
La Colina North [ Weatherford City ]
La Junta [ Springtown City ]
La Junta Meadows [ Weatherford City ]
Lago Lindo [ Weatherford City ]
Lago Lindo Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Laguna Visa [ Willow Park City ]
Laguna Vista Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Laguna Vista Estates [ Willow Park City ]
Lake Hills [ Weatherford City ]
Lake Hills Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Lake Hollow [ Weatherford City ]
Lake Hollow Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Lake Weatherford [ Weatherford City ]
Lakes Of Aledo [ Aledo City ]
Lakeshore Hills [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Lakeshore Hills [ Weatherford City ]
Lakeshore Hills Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Lakeway [ Weatherford City ]
Lakeway Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Land Of Goshen [ Springtown City ]
Lasater Addition [ Aledo City ]
Lazy Bend Estates [ Millsap Town ]
Linda Park Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Linkwood Estates [ Aledo City ]
Little Shadle Estates [ Poolville ]
Live Oak Hills [ Weatherford City ]
Live Oak Lake Ranch [ Springtown City ]
Lockwood Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Lone Star [ Weatherford City ]
Lonestar Ranch Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Lucas [ Weatherford City ]
Lynch Addition [ Springtown City ]
Marys Creek Estates [ Aledo City ]
Mason Pond [ Weatherford City ]
McCalls Addition [ Weatherford City ]
McCarty Addition [ Weatherford City ]
McCracken Addition [ Springtown City ]
McDavid Estates [ Aledo City ]
McDavid Estates [ Annetta Town ]
McDavid South [ Aledo City ]
McDavid Springs [ Aledo City ]
McDavid Terrace [ Aledo City ]
McKay Meadows [ Weatherford City ]
Meadow Park [ Aledo City ]
Meadow Park Estates [ Aledo City ]
Meadow View [ Springtown City ]
Meadow View Farms [ Aledo City ]
Meadowview Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Midway [ Springtown City ]
Mill Branch Valley [ Weatherford City ]
Mill Crossing Addition [ Springtown City ]
Milliken Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Milliken Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Mimi Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
Mineral Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Mo Barton Acres [ Millsap Town ]
Morrow Oaks Estates [ Springtown City ]
Mountain River Estates [ Millsap Town ]
Mountain Valley Ranch [ Millsap Town ]
Muir Creek [ Aledo City ]
Muir Creek Estates [ Aledo City ]
Muir Hill Estates [ Aledo City ]
Mulberry Acres [ Springtown City ]
Murls Lake Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Newby [ Aledo City ]
Newton Addition [ Poolville ]
Nicholsons [ Weatherford City ]
North Acres [ Springtown City ]
North Oakridge Acres [ Weatherford City ]
North West Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Northchase [ Willow Park City ]
Northgate [ Springtown City ]
Northoaks Addition [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Northoaks Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Northstar Crossing [ Weatherford City ]
Northwest Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Nortons Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Oak Country [ Springtown City ]
Oak Creek [ Springtown City ]
Oak Creek West [ Springtown City ]
Oak Haven [ Springtown City ]
Oak Manor [ Willow Park City ]
Oak Meadows [ Springtown City ]
Oak Valley Estates [ Springtown City ]
Oak View [ Aledo City ]
Oak View Estates [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Oak View Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Oakcrest Hills Estates [ Aledo City ]
Oaklawn [ Weatherford City ]
Oaklawn Park [ Weatherford City ]
Oakridge [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Oakridge [ Weatherford City ]
Oakridge Acres North [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Oakridge Acres North [ Weatherford City ]
Oaks [ Weatherford City ]
Oakview Estates [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Oakwood Creek [ Weatherford City ]
Oakwood Creek Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Oakwood Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Oakwood Estates North [ Weatherford City ]
Oberchain Addn [ Weatherford City ]
Odel Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Old Town [ Millsap Town ]
Old Town [ Weatherford City ]
Olive Branch [ Weatherford City ]
Olive Branch Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Outback Acres [ Springtown City ]
Outback Acres [ Weatherford City ]
Outlook Acres [ Springtown City ]
Pace Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Pace Place [ Springtown City ]
Park Oaks Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Parker Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Parker Oaks [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Parker Point [ Weatherford City ]
Parker Station [ Aledo City ]
Parkplace Village [ Springtown City ]
Parkway Addition [ Springtown City ]
Partagas Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Pattersons Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Patton Village [ Springtown City ]
Pauls Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Payne [ Springtown City ]
Pearce Addition [ Springtown City ]
Pennington Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Perrys Addition [ Springtown City ]
Phelps [ Weatherford City ]
Pinnacle Ridge Estates [ Aledo City ]
Plantation Estates [ Springtown City ]
Plantation Oaks [ Springtown City ]
Planters Square [ Springtown City ]
Pleasant Acres [ Weatherford City ]
Pleasant Oaks Estates [ Springtown City ]
Pleasant Valley [ Weatherford City ]
Poco Ranchos [ Springtown City ]
Point Break Addition [ Springtown City ]
Prairie Ridge [ Aledo City ]
Pyramid Acres [ Aledo City ]
Quail Haven [ Springtown City ]
Quail Run Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Quail Spring Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
Quail Springs [ Weatherford City ]
Quail Valley [ Weatherford City ]
Quanah Hill [ Weatherford City ]
Quanah Hill Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Quinn Springs [ Weatherford City ]
Rainbow Trails [ Springtown City ]
Ranch House Road Estates [ Willow Park City ]
Ranches Of Bear Creek [ Aledo City ]
Rancho Vista Estates [ Aledo City ]
Red Eagle Ranch [ Hudson Oaks City ]
Reno North Addition [ Springtown City ]
Rentz Place [ Weatherford City ]
Rhodes Ranch Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Rice Durrett Surv Abs 380 [ Aledo City ]
Richard Haley [ Weatherford City ]
Richey [ Weatherford City ]
Ridge Crest Estates [ Willow Park City ]
Ridge Haven Estates [ Willow Park City ]
Ridgewood Addition [ Willow Park City ]
Rio Brazos [ Weatherford City ]
Rivendell [ Weatherford City ]
River Creek [ Aledo City ]
River Tree Estates [ Aledo City ]
Rivercreek Ranch [ Aledo City ]
Roberson Estates [ Springtown City ]
Roberts Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Robertson Village [ Weatherford City ]
Rock Hard Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Rockgate [ Weatherford City ]
Rolling Glen [ Springtown City ]
Rolling Hills [ Aledo City ]
Rolling Hills [ Weatherford City ]
Rolling Meadows [ Weatherford City ]
Rolling Valley [ Weatherford City ]
Roselawn [ Weatherford City ]
Ross Acres [ Springtown City ]
Rosswood Estates [ Springtown City ]
Sabathney Acres [ Weatherford City ]
Saddle Club Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Saddle Creek [ Aledo City ]
Saddle Ridge Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Saddle Ridge Estates [ Willow Park City ]
Saddle Ridge Ranch [ Springtown City ]
Salt Creek [ Springtown City ]
Salt Grass [ Poolville ]
Sandlin Estates [ Springtown City ]
Sandstone Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Sandy Acres [ Weatherford City ]
Sandy Creek Ranches [ Weatherford City ]
Sessums Place [ Springtown City ]
Seven Bridges [ Springtown City ]
Seven Oaks [ Springtown City ]
Shadow Creek Ranch [ Aledo City ]
Shady Oaks [ Aledo City ]
Shannon [ Weatherford City ]
Sherry Court [ Weatherford City ]
Sierra [ Weatherford City ]
Silverado On The Brazos [ Weatherford City ]
Silverstone Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Silverstone at Pearson Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
Simons Meadow Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Sisk Ranch [ Springtown City ]
Skillet Addition [ Springtown City ]
Sleepy Hollow [ Springtown City ]
Sleepy Hollow Estates [ Springtown City ]
Sloan [ Weatherford City ]
Sloan Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Smokey Branch [ Weatherford City ]
Smokey Branch Estates [ Weatherford City ]
South Forty [ Springtown City ]
South Hills Estates [ Weatherford City ]
South Timbers [ Springtown City ]
Southpark [ Weatherford City ]
Southridge [ Weatherford City ]
Southridge Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Southwinds [ Weatherford City ]
Spanish Park [ Weatherford City ]
Split Rail Estates [ Aledo City ]
Split Rail West [ Aledo City ]
Spring Garden Commons [ Weatherford City ]
Spring Heights Addition [ Springtown City ]
Springbranch [ Springtown City ]
Springbranch Acres [ Springtown City ]
Springfield Estates [ Springtown City ]
Squaw Creek Estates West [ Willow Park City ]
Stage Coach Estates [ Willow Park City ]
Stella Estates [ Springtown City ]
Stephens Bluff [ Millsap Town ]
Stinson Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Stone Bluff [ Aledo City ]
Stone Creek Farms [ Aledo City ]
Stonebridge Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Stoneridge [ Weatherford City ]
Story Book Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Summerfield [ Springtown City ]
Summerfields Estates [ Springtown City ]
Summertime Addition [ Springtown City ]
Sunny Side Addition [ Springtown City ]
Sunset Highland Estates [ Springtown City ]
Sunshine Terrace Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Surface Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Sweetwater Springs [ Poolville ]
Sylvan Valley Estates [ Aledo City ]
Sylvan Valley Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Taylor Road Estates [ Weatherford City ]
The Country Place [ Weatherford City ]
The Crossing [ Poolville ]
The Hamptons [ Springtown City ]
The Lakes Of Aledo [ Aledo City ]
The Meadows [ Weatherford City ]
The Oaks [ Weatherford City ]
The Veasy Addition [ Weatherford City ]
The Villas Of Aledo [ Aledo City ]
The Wellingtons [ Springtown City ]
Three Skillett Addition [ Springtown City ]
Timaaron Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Timber Creek [ Weatherford City ]
Timber Ridge Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Timmins [ Springtown City ]
Tin Top Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Town Creek [ Weatherford City ]
Trace Ridge [ Weatherford City ]
Trail Ends [ Millsap Town ]
Trinity Bluff [ Aledo City ]
Trinity Estates [ Willow Park City ]
Trinity Oaks [ Aledo City ]
Tucker Place [ Weatherford City ]
Tummins Addition [ Springtown City ]
Twin Springs Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
Underwood Estates [ Aledo City ]
Valley Trails [ Weatherford City ]
Valley Trails Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Van Brush Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Veasey [ Weatherford City ]
Venture Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Versailles Estates [ Aledo City ]
Villages Of Aledo [ Aledo City ]
Wagner [ Weatherford City ]
Weatherford Lake [ Weatherford City ]
West Hills Estates [ Aledo City ]
West Oak Home Sites [ Aledo City ]
West Ranch [ Weatherford City ]
West Ranch Estates [ Weatherford City ]
West Ridge Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Westend Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Western Lake Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Western Lakes Estate [ Weatherford City ]
Westgate [ Aledo City ]
Westover Heights [ Weatherford City ]
Westover Hills [ Weatherford City ]
Westover Village [ Weatherford City ]
Westover Village Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Westridge Addition [ Springtown City ]
Westridge Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Westview [ Weatherford City ]
Westwood Addition [ Springtown City ]
Westwood Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Wetherell [ Weatherford City ]
Whispering Oaks [ Weatherford City ]
Wild Oak Hill [ Springtown City ]
Wildwood Addition [ Aledo City ]
Williamsburg Estates [ Springtown City ]
Willlow Crossing [ Willow Park City ]
Willmett [ Poolville ]
Willow Bend [ Weatherford City ]
Willow Bend Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Willow Creek [ Weatherford City ]
Willow Creek Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Willow Crest [ Willow Park City ]
Willow Crest Estates [ Willow Park City ]
Willow Park Crossing [ Willow Park City ]
Willow Park Village [ Aledo City ]
Willow Park Village [ Willow Park City ]
Willow Springs [ Willow Park City ]
Willow Wood [ Willow Park City ]
Wilson's Addition [ Springtown City ]
Winchester Ranch Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Windmill Hill [ Aledo City ]
Windsor Estates [ Springtown City ]
Windward Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Windwood Estates [ Springtown City ]
Windy Creek [ Springtown City ]
Windy Creek Estates [ Springtown City ]
Wood River Addition [ Millsap Town ]
Woodcrest [ Weatherford City ]
Woodhaven [ Springtown City ]
Woodhaven Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Woodland Hills [ Aledo City ]
Woodland Hills [ Weatherford City ]
Woodland Lake Estates [ Aledo City ]
Woodlands [ Weatherford City ]
Woodlands West [ Weatherford City ]
Woodlawn [ Springtown City ]
Woody Creek [ Springtown City ]
Woody Creek Estates [ Springtown City ]
Yeary Estates [ Aledo City ]
Yeoman Addition [ Weatherford City ]
Young Bend Estates [ Weatherford City ]
Young Place [ Springtown City ]
Zion Hill Estates [ Weatherford City ]
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