Rogers City

Benton County, Arkansas


Rogers City Hall is located at 301 West Chestnut Street, Rogers, AR 72756; 479‑621‑1117.


Rogers City as described in 1941 [1]

Rogers retains its marketing and industrialleadership in Benton County despite Bentonville's challenge. Here in January 1939 was held the first of the annual live-broiler shows, intended primarily to advertise the fact that Benton County produces several million young chickens each year. Varieties raised are chiefly White and Barred Rocks and White Wyandottes. Mordern methods have elevated broiler-raising into an industry: the young chicks are confined in coops from the day of their hatching, stuffed with feed carried on conveyor belts, permitted no exercise, and shipped to market hardly able to stand on their feet but tender and succulent.

Besides shipping farm products, Rogers processes apples in a large vinegar factory, milk in a cannery, and rock in a silica plant. Hardwood, stave, and heading mills, together with various service industries, add variety to the town's occupations.

The Gregory-Robinson-Speas Vinegar Plant converts apples into cider vinegar by grinding, fermentation, and oxidation. The grinding season begins August 15 and lasts about three months. During the remainder of the year the plant, which works on a 24-hour, 365-day schedule, manufactures vinegar from the apple cider. About 3,000,000 gallons of vinegar are produced in a year, and shipped in wooden tank cars all over the South and Southwest. Grinders were formerly maintained at various points in the apple country, but truck transportation has now made grinding at the central factory more economical.

The Corona Products Mill grinds silica whcih is quarried near Rogers and ships it for use as a concrete admixture and as an ingredient in filters, paints, and polishes. The rock is crushed wet in a ball mill and dried on a steam plate.

  1. Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, Arkansas: A State Guide, American Guide, 1941.

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