Neighborhoods in
Delaware County
New / Updated
Kirby Historic District
[ Muncie City ]
Riverside Historic District
[ Muncie City ]
Alameda Place [ Muncie City ]
Allendale [ Muncie City ]
Andrews Acres [ Yorktown Town ]
Anthony Homes [ Muncie City ]
Anthony Park [ Muncie City ]
Applewood Park Villas [ Muncie City ]
Arbor Woods [ Muncie City ]
Arcadia [ Muncie City ]
Ashford Lakes [ Muncie City ]
Atlee Rinker Addition [ Daleville Town ]
Aultshire [ Muncie City ]
Austin Heights [ Muncie City ]
Belmont [ Muncie City ]
Bethel Heights [ Muncie City ]
Bittersweet [ Muncie City ]
Blease Addition [ Muncie City ]
Bluegrass Estates [ Muncie City ]
Bosman Addition [ Eaton Town ]
Boyce Block Historic District [ Muncie City ]
Bradford Park [ Muncie City ]
Bradford Park [ Yorktown Town ]
Breckinridge Addition [ Muncie City ]
Breezewood Addition [ Muncie City ]
Brentwood [ Yorktown Town ]
Brewington Park [ Muncie City ]
Brewington Woods [ Muncie City ]
Brindale Woods [ Muncie City ]
Brookfield Terrace [ Muncie City ]
Brookside West [ Muncie City ]
Brookview [ Muncie City ]
Burlington Hgts [ Muncie City ]
Burlington Woods [ Muncie City ]
Burson [ Muncie City ]
Calvert Addition [ Muncie City ]
Calverts Addition [ Daleville Town ]
Cardinal Villas [ Muncie City ]
Carlton Addition [ Muncie City ]
Carlton Heights [ Muncie City ]
Carmichael Addition [ Muncie City ]
Carrington Woods [ Muncie City ]
Chapel Orchard [ Muncie City ]
Chase [ Muncie City ]
Clearwater Condominiums [ Muncie City ]
Copperfield Commons [ Muncie City ]
Corinth Acres [ Muncie City ]
Country Terrace [ Muncie City ]
Country Village [ Muncie City ]
Creekwood Terrace [ Muncie City ]
Creston Addition [ Muncie City ]
Cunningham Addition [ Muncie City ]
Dale Rich Addition [ Daleville Town ]
Davis Addition [ Daleville Town ]
De Young Addition [ Eaton Town ]
Deerbrook Estates [ Muncie City ]
Deerbrook Village [ Muncie City ]
Delaware Court [ Muncie City ]
Devon Park [ Muncie City ]
Dice Acres [ Muncie City ]
Driftwood Park [ Muncie City ]
Eagles Nest [ Muncie City ]
East Meadows [ Muncie City ]
Eastlawn [ Muncie City ]
Edgewood Addition [ Yorktown Town ]
Edgewood Place [ Selma Town ]
Elm Lake [ Gaston Town ]
Emerald Pointe [ Muncie City ]
Emily Kimbrough Historic District [ Muncie City ]
Evergreen Place [ Muncie City ]
Evergreen West [ Yorktown Town ]
Fairfax [ Muncie City ]
Fairlawn [ Muncie City ]
Fairview [ Muncie City ]
Farmington [ Muncie City ]
Finnlandia [ Muncie City ]
Forest Hills [ Muncie City ]
Forest Hills [ Yorktown Town ]
Gatewood [ Muncie City ]
Gibson Addition [ Muncie City ]
Gilbert Historic District [ Muncie City ]
Glenn Hills [ Muncie City ]
Goebel Addition [ Muncie City ]
Grandville Park [ Muncie City ]
Granville [ Eaton Town ]
Grays Addition [ Muncie City ]
Green Acres [ Muncie City ]
Green Meadows [ Muncie City ]
Grove Park [ Muncie City ]
Halteman Villas [ Muncie City ]
Hamilton Park [ Muncie City ]
Hamilton Village [ Muncie City ]
Hawthorn Park [ Muncie City ]
Heaton Acres [ Muncie City ]
Heritage Common [ Yorktown Town ]
Heritage Village [ Yorktown Town ]
Heron Pointe [ Muncie City ]
Hickory Park [ Daleville Town ]
Highland Park [ Muncie City ]
Homewood Addition [ Yorktown Town ]
Hough Estates [ Yorktown Town ]
Hyde Park [ Muncie City ]
Imperial Village [ Selma Town ]
Indian Meadows [ Muncie City ]
Indian Village [ Muncie City ]
Irongate [ Muncie City ]
Irvington [ Muncie City ]
Jackson Crossing [ Muncie City ]
Jackson Park Addition [ Muncie City ]
Jeffries Addition [ Daleville Town ]
Johnson Woods [ Muncie City ]
Justamere [ Muncie City ]
Keller West [ Muncie City ]
Kelly Acres [ Selma Town ]
Kenmore [ Muncie City ]
Kernwood Addition [ Muncie City ]
Landings [ Yorktown Town ]
Lanewood [ Muncie City ]
Lantern Park [ Muncie City ]
Laurel Meadows [ Yorktown Town ]
Layne Crest [ Muncie City ]
Leroy Davis Addition [ Daleville Town ]
Lexington Point [ Yorktown Town ]
Lincoln Hgts [ Muncie City ]
Linden Park [ Muncie City ]
Lindsey Addition [ Muncie City ]
Lion Country Estates [ Muncie City ]
Luddingwood [ Muncie City ]
Lunsford Addition [ Muncie City ]
Lusk Acres [ Yorktown Town ]
Lynwood Addition [ Muncie City ]
Mansfield Meadows [ Muncie City ]
Maple Manor [ Muncie City ]
Mapleridge [ Muncie City ]
Mar-Fran Addition [ Eaton Town ]
Maridale [ Daleville Town ]
Mayfield [ Muncie City ]
McConnellsville [ Muncie City ]
Meadowbrook [ Muncie City ]
Meeks Avenue Historic District [ Muncie City ]
Melrose [ Muncie City ]
Minnetrista Boulevard Historic District [ Muncie City ]
Morningside [ Muncie City ]
Neely Addition [ Muncie City ]
Nioio Estates [ Yorktown Town ]
Nor Hall Village [ Muncie City ]
Northton [ Muncie City ]
Northwood [ Muncie City ]
Nottingham Hills [ Muncie City ]
Oak Point [ Muncie City ]
Old Town Hill Estates [ Muncie City ]
Old West End Historic District [ Muncie City ]
Orchard Lawn [ Muncie City ]
Parkshire Place [ Muncie City ]
Pearwood Place [ Muncie City ]
Pebblebrook Estates [ Muncie City ]
Perkins Addition [ Muncie City ]
Pettigrew Acres [ Muncie City ]
Pineview [ Muncie City ]
Plaza Homes [ Muncie City ]
Pleasant Creek Estates [ Yorktown Town ]
Pleasant Hills [ Yorktown Town ]
Pollock Addition [ Muncie City ]
Ponderosa Estates [ Muncie City ]
Raintree Estates [ Daleville Town ]
Reed Station [ Yorktown Town ]
Riley Run [ Yorktown Town ]
Riverbend Commons [ Muncie City ]
Riverside [ Muncie City ]
Riverside Place [ Muncie City ]
Riverview Heights [ Muncie City ]
Riverview Park [ Yorktown Town ]
Robinwood [ Muncie City ]
Robinwood Estates [ Muncie City ]
Robinwood Place [ Muncie City ]
Rolling Oaks [ Muncie City ]
Rosemont Addition [ Muncie City ]
Royerton [ Muncie City ]
Royerton Heights [ Muncie City ]
Saddlebrook [ Muncie City ]
Sandpiper Lake [ Muncie City ]
Sargents Addition [ Daleville Town ]
Schroeder Addition [ Muncie City ]
Shady Grove [ Muncie City ]
Southboro [ Muncie City ]
Southern Terrace [ Muncie City ]
Southwind Village [ Muncie City ]
Stapleton Addition [ Muncie City ]
Stipp Addition [ Muncie City ]
Sun Mor Addition [ Muncie City ]
Suni Park [ Muncie City ]
Sunny South [ Muncie City ]
Sunset Knoll [ Muncie City ]
Tall Timbers [ Muncie City ]
Tanglewood Addition [ Muncie City ]
Tennessee Court [ Muncie City ]
The Glenn [ Muncie City ]
The Landings [ Yorktown Town ]
The Lofts [ Muncie City ]
Tilmor Addition [ Muncie City ]
Towne Acres [ Muncie City ]
Towne And Country Estates [ Muncie City ]
Towns End [ Yorktown Town ]
Turners Addition [ Muncie City ]
University Heights [ Muncie City ]
Village East [ Muncie City ]
Wainwright Place [ Muncie City ]
Walls Add [ Muncie City ]
Walnut Addition [ Gaston Town ]
Walnut Street Historic District [ Muncie City ]
Waterbury Landings [ Muncie City ]
Waynewood [ Muncie City ]
Wellington Knoll [ Muncie City ]
West Acres [ Muncie City ]
West Lawn Park [ Muncie City ]
Westbriar Addition [ Muncie City ]
Westbridge [ Muncie City ]
Westbridge Estates [ Muncie City ]
Westbrier [ Muncie City ]
Westbrook Estates [ Muncie City ]
Westbrook Estates [ Yorktown Town ]
Westbrook Heights [ Muncie City ]
Westbrook Manor [ Muncie City ]
Westchester Village [ Yorktown Town ]
Western Hills [ Muncie City ]
Western Ridge [ Muncie City ]
Westmoor [ Muncie City ]
Westport Addition [ Muncie City ]
Westside Addition [ Muncie City ]
Westwood [ Muncie City ]
Westwood Heights [ Muncie City ]
Westwood Historic District [ Muncie City ]
Wheeling Meadows [ Muncie City ]
Wheeling Pike [ Muncie City ]
Wheeling Villas [ Muncie City ]
Whispering Pines [ Muncie City ]
Willow Lake Crossing [ Muncie City ]
Wilson [ Yorktown Town ]
Winston Place [ Muncie City ]
Winwood [ Muncie City ]
Winwood Addition [ Muncie City ]
Woodland Park [ Muncie City ]
Woodland Trails [ Yorktown Town ]
Woodside [ Muncie City ]
Wysor Heights Historic District [ Muncie City ]
Yorkridge [ Yorktown Town ]
Yorkshire Addition [ Yorktown Town ]
Yorktown Heights [ Yorktown Town ]
Yorktown Meadows [ Muncie City ]
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