Neighborhoods in
Kenton County
New / Updated
[ Covington City ]
Devou Woods
[ Covington City ]
Emery-Price Historic District
[ Covington City ]
Helentown Historic District
[ Covington City ]
Licking Riverside Historic District
[ Covington City ]
Peaselburg Neighborhood Historic District
[ Covington City ]
Wallace Woods Area Residential Historic District
[ Covington City ]
[ Covington City ]
Meadow Glen
[ Independence City ]
Park Hills Historic District
[ Park Hills City ]
Albros [ Covington City ]
Alderbrook [ Independence City ]
Alta June Manor [ Independence City ]
Amsterdam Village [ Park Hills City ]
Amsterdam Village [ Villa Hills City ]
Arbor Ridge [ Erlanger City ]
Arcadia Forest [ Lakeside Park City ]
Arnold Homestead [ Covington City ]
Ascent at Roeblings Bridge [ Covington City ]
Ashbrook Crossing [ Elsmere City ]
Ashford Village [ Covington City ]
Ashford Village [ Independence City ]
Ashley Place [ Villa Hills City ]
Ashley Pointe [ Villa Hills City ]
Ashley Ridge [ Fort Wright City ]
Ashley Woods [ Edgewood City ]
Austinburg Historic District [ Covington City ]
Austins [ Covington City ]
Bahama Garden [ Covington City ]
Barrington Woods [ Covington City ]
Barrington Woods [ Fort Wright City ]
Battle Ridge [ Independence City ]
Beauty View Acres [ Independence City ]
Bedinger [ Erlanger City ]
Beechgrove [ Independence City ]
Beechwood [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Beechwood Estates [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Behringer [ Covington City ]
Berlings Addition [ Taylor Mill City ]
Berlings Addtion [ Covington City ]
Bluffs at Devou Park [ Covington City ]
Bonar [ Erlanger City ]
Bradleigh Woods [ Independence City ]
Brandtly Ridge [ Covington City ]
Brightleaf [ Erlanger City ]
Brightleaf Estates [ Erlanger City ]
Bristow Lakes [ Independence City ]
Bristow Meadows [ Independence City ]
Bungalow Park [ Taylor Mill City ]
Burdsall [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Bush [ Covington City ]
Buttermilk Meadows [ Villa Hills City ]
Byrd [ Covington City ]
Canberra Ridge [ Independence City ]
Canterbury Trails [ Felton ]
Canterbury Woods [ Edgewood City ]
Carlisle Ridge Estates [ Piner ]
Carpenters Trace [ Villa Hills City ]
Central Ludlow Historic District [ Ludlow City ]
Chatham Ridge [ Villa Hills City ]
Cherry Hill [ Erlanger City ]
City Realty Co [ Covington City ]
Claiborne [ Independence City ]
Clarks Addition [ Erlanger City ]
Clover [ Covington City ]
Clover Meadows [ Covington City ]
Clover Meadows [ Taylor Mill City ]
Clover Ridge [ Independence City ]
Cody Meadows [ Independence City ]
College Park [ Crestview Hills City ]
Colony South [ Lakeside Park City ]
Country Garden Estates [ Covington City ]
Country Squire Estates [ Crescent Springs City ]
Country Squire Estates [ Villa Hills City ]
Courthouse Estates [ Independence City ]
Covington Heights [ Covington City ]
Crawford [ Taylor Mill City ]
Crescent Park [ Crescent Park ]
Crescent Point [ Crescent Springs City ]
Crescent Springs [ Crescent Springs City ]
Crestview Hills [ Crestview Hills City ]
Cumberland Ridge [ Covington City ]
Deters [ Taylor Mill City ]
Devou Park [ Covington City ]
Dixie Lawns [ Erlanger City ]
Docs Lakes Estates [ Independence City ]
Downtown [ Covington City ]
Dudley Acres [ Edgewood City ]
Dudley Village [ Edgewood City ]
East Lakeside [ Lakeside Park City ]
Eastern Park [ Elsmere City ]
Eastside Homes [ Covington City ]
Edge Mar [ Edgewood City ]
Edgewood [ Covington City ]
Edgewood [ Edgewood City ]
Edgewood [ Park Hills City ]
Edgewood Overlook [ Edgewood City ]
Edgewood Overlook [ Fort Wright City ]
Elsmere [ Elsmere City ]
Emerald Springs [ Crescent Springs City ]
Emery Rowhouse Condos [ Covington City ]
Erlanger Lakes [ Elsmere City ]
Erlanger Lakes [ Erlanger City ]
Erlanger Proper Subdivision Historic District [ Erlanger City ]
Erpenbeck [ Elsmere City ]
Fairview [ Elsmere City ]
Fairways [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Fairwood Hills [ Erlanger City ]
Falcon Ridge [ Independence City ]
Farmington Hills [ Villa Hills City ]
Farmview [ Independence City ]
Fitzgerald [ Erlanger City ]
Five Mile Village [ Lakeside Park City ]
Flemmings [ Ludlow City ]
Florence [ Erlanger City ]
Forest Run [ Independence City ]
Forrest Ridge [ Morningview ]
Fort Henry [ Fort Wright City ]
Fort Mitchell [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Fort Mitchell Meadows [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Fort Mitchell Place [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Fort Mitchell Pointe [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Fort Wright [ Fort Wright City ]
Fort Wright Trace [ Fort Wright City ]
Fowler Ridge [ Covington City ]
Fowler Ridge [ Independence City ]
Frazier [ Covington City ]
Freedom Park [ Independence City ]
Freedom Trail [ Independence City ]
George Ann Heights [ Villa Hills City ]
Gieske [ Crestview Hills City ]
Glenhurst [ Independence City ]
Glenns [ Latonia ]
Golden Ridge [ Independence City ]
Golf Manor [ Park Hills City ]
Gouvion [ Covington City ]
Governors Point [ Covington City ]
Grand Garden Addition [ Edgewood City ]
Grand Garden Estates [ Edgewood City ]
Grandview Park [ Covington City ]
Grandview Summit [ Crestview Hills City ]
Green [ Covington City ]
Green Acres [ Erlanger City ]
Greens of Glenhurst [ Independence City ]
Greers Addition [ Covington City ]
Grogers [ Erlanger City ]
Hallam Heights [ Erlanger City ]
Hanauers Addition [ Erlanger City ]
Hartland [ Independence City ]
Harvest Hills [ Independence City ]
Harvey Heights [ Covington City ]
Hawthorne Addition [ Covington City ]
Hazelwood [ Fort Wright City ]
Heathermoor [ Covington City ]
Herring [ Covington City ]
Hesser [ Lakeside Park City ]
Hickory Valley [ Independence City ]
High Ridge Park [ Taylor Mill City ]
Highwater Crossing [ Villa Hills City ]
Hillcrest [ Covington City ]
Hillcrest [ Park Hills City ]
Hills and Dales [ Erlanger City ]
Hoffman Heights [ Independence City ]
Holmesdale [ Covington City ]
Hoppenjans [ Elsmere City ]
Howells [ Elsmere City ]
Hurstbourne at Lakemont [ Erlanger City ]
Independence Pointe [ Independence City ]
Independence Ridge [ Independence City ]
Jacqueline Heights [ Erlanger City ]
Keen Jos A [ Covington City ]
Keeney [ Taylor Mill City ]
Kelly [ Independence City ]
Kennedy [ Covington City ]
Kennedy Heights [ Erlanger City ]
Kenton Heights [ Independence City ]
Kenton Hills [ Covington City ]
Kenton Hills [ Latonia ]
Kenton Vale [ Covington City ]
Knochelmans Addition [ Fort Wright City ]
Lakefield [ Independence City ]
Lakemont [ Erlanger City ]
Lakeside Park [ Lakeside Park City ]
Lakeview Park [ Covington City ]
Lakeview Place [ Crescent Springs City ]
Lakewood [ Covington City ]
Lakewood Hills [ Covington City ]
Latonia [ Covington City ]
Latonia [ Taylor Mill City ]
Latonia Lakes [ Covington City ]
Latonia Lakes [ Latonia Lakes City ]
Latonia Lakes [ Taylor Mill City ]
Lee [ Covington City ]
Lee-Holman Historic District [ Covington City ]
Leistner [ Taylor Mill City ]
Lemaire [ Covington City ]
Levassor Park [ Covington City ]
Lewis [ Covington City ]
Lewisburg Historic District [ Covington City ]
Lexington Estates [ Erlanger City ]
Liberty Orchard [ Independence City ]
Liliah Acres [ Villa Hills City ]
Lloyd Manor [ Erlanger City ]
Locust Heights [ Park Hills City ]
Lofts of Devou Park [ Fort Wright City ]
Lookout Farms [ Crestview Hills City ]
Losey [ Erlanger City ]
Lucerne [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Ludlow [ Covington City ]
Ludlow [ Ludlow City ]
Ludlow Estates [ Covington City ]
Ludlow Estates [ Ludlow City ]
Ludlow Farm [ Covington City ]
Ludlow Lagoon [ Ludlow City ]
Lynchburg at Troopers Crossing [ Independence City ]
Madison Ridge Estates [ Independence City ]
Madonna Acres [ Villa Hills City ]
Main Strauss [ Covington City ]
Mainstrasse Lofts [ Covington City ]
Manor Hill [ Covington City ]
Manor Hill [ Independence City ]
Martin [ Erlanger City ]
Maywood [ Erlanger City ]
McAlpins [ Erlanger City ]
McCulloms [ Covington City ]
Meadow Lark Park [ Edgewood City ]
Meadow Wood [ Villa Hills City ]
Mill Valley [ Taylor Mill City ]
Miller [ Taylor Mill City ]
Mira Grande Estates [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Misty Creek [ Erlanger City ]
Mocking Bird Valley [ Park Hills City ]
Monte Casino [ Covington City ]
Montgomery [ Covington City ]
Morgan [ Covington City ]
Morningside [ Ludlow City ]
Mutter Gottes Historic District [ Covington City ]
New Frontier [ Independence City ]
New Haven [ Independence City ]
Nixons [ Covington City ]
Oakwood Manor [ Taylor Mill City ]
Ohio Riverside Historic District [ Covington City ]
Old Edgewood [ Edgewood City ]
Old Seminary Square [ Covington City ]
Olde Fort Mitchell Estates [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Oliver Heights [ Independence City ]
Orchards [ Villa Hills City ]
Parkcrest [ Park Hills City ]
Patton [ Covington City ]
Pebble Creek [ Elsmere City ]
Perry [ Covington City ]
Pheasant Grove [ Erlanger City ]
Pienza at Tuscany [ Covington City ]
Pike Street Lofts [ Covington City ]
Piner [ Morningview ]
Prestwicke [ Edgewood City ]
Prestwicke Estates [ Edgewood City ]
Prospect Point [ Villa Hills City ]
Reserves of Buttermilk [ Crescent Springs City ]
Reveres Crossing [ Independence City ]
Ria Vista Estates [ Villa Hills City ]
Rice [ Covington City ]
Riddles [ Covington City ]
Ridgeport [ Covington City ]
Ridgeview Farms [ Independence City ]
Ridgeway [ Taylor Mill City ]
Ridgeway Farms [ Independence City ]
Riggs Farm Addition [ Erlanger City ]
Ripple Cr Ii [ Elsmere City ]
Ripple Creek [ Elsmere City ]
Rittes Corner [ Covington City ]
Rittes Corner Historic District [ Covington City ]
River Breeze [ Ludlow City ]
River Heights [ Villa Hills City ]
Riverside Historic District [ Covington City ]
Riverview Farms [ Villa Hills City ]
Robert Lindsay Estates [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Rosedale [ Covington City ]
Ryland Heights [ Ryland Heights City ]
Sahons [ Covington City ]
Sanders [ Elsmere City ]
Saylor Woods [ Covington City ]
Saylor Woods [ Independence City ]
Saylor Woods [ Latonia Lakes City ]
Saylors Meadow [ Covington City ]
Schadler [ Morningview ]
School View [ Covington City ]
Scott [ Covington City ]
Sehon [ Covington City ]
Seminary Square Historic District [ Covington City ]
Shadybrook Bluffs [ Independence City ]
Shadybrook Trails [ Independence City ]
Sharpsburg of Troopers Crossing [ Independence City ]
Shaw Estates [ Independence City ]
Shepherd [ Elsmere City ]
Sherbourne [ Independence City ]
Shinkle Row Townhomes [ Covington City ]
Smith Ridge [ Villa Hills City ]
South Dinmore Park [ Covington City ]
South Dinmore Park [ Latonia ]
South Erlanger [ Elsmere City ]
South Hills [ Fort Wright City ]
South Lakewood Hills [ Covington City ]
Southgate [ Covington City ]
Spring Hill [ Taylor Mill City ]
Spring Meadows [ Independence City ]
Spring Valley [ Erlanger City ]
Springhill Village [ Taylor Mill City ]
Squire Valley Condos [ Villa Hills City ]
Stewart [ Ryland Heights City ]
Stonehill Townhomes [ Fort Wright City ]
Storers [ Covington City ]
Summit Hills Heights [ Edgewood City ]
Summit Lakes [ Crestview Hills City ]
Sunnyside [ Covington City ]
Sunrise Meadows [ Taylor Mill City ]
Sycamore Creek [ Independence City ]
Taylor Creek [ Taylor Mill City ]
The Ascent [ Covington City ]
The Homestead [ Edgewood City ]
The Views [ Covington City ]
Tilford Hill [ Independence City ]
Timber Heights [ Erlanger City ]
Timber Ridge [ Edgewood City ]
Toebben [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Trace Run [ Independence City ]
Trails of Doe Run [ Erlanger City ]
Traylors [ Ludlow City ]
Troopers Crossing [ Independence City ]
Turkeyfoot Acres [ Elsmere City ]
Turkeyfoot Heights [ Lakeside Park City ]
Twelve Trees [ Edgewood City ]
Valley View [ Crestview Hills City ]
Valley View [ Ryland Heights City ]
Valley View [ Taylor Mill City ]
Van Deren [ Lakeside Park City ]
Victoria Addition [ Ludlow City ]
Victory Ridge [ Latonia ]
Villa Hills [ Villa Hills City ]
Villa Hills Farms [ Villa Hills City ]
Villages of Beechgrove [ Independence City ]
Virginia Glen [ Elsmere City ]
Visalia [ Covington City ]
Wallace [ Covington City ]
Waterford [ Fort Mitchell City ]
Watkins [ Covington City ]
Wellers [ Covington City ]
Wellington Place Condos [ Covington City ]
West 15th Street Historic District [ Covington City ]
West Side-Main Strasse Historic District [ Covington City ]
Whispering Woods [ Edgewood City ]
Whispering Woods [ Independence City ]
White [ Edgewood City ]
White Villa Country Club [ Morningview ]
Williams Creek [ Fort Wright City ]
Williams Woods [ Independence City ]
Winding Hills [ Edgewood City ]
Winston Park [ Taylor Mill City ]
Winters [ Covington City ]
Wolf [ Covington City ]
Wood Dale [ Independence City ]
Woodcutters Crossing [ Independence City ]
Woodland Park [ Covington City ]
Woodlyn Hills [ Erlanger City ]
Woods [ Covington City ]
Woodside Addition [ Elsmere City ]
Woodside Addition [ Erlanger City ]
Woodvale [ Erlanger City ]
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