Waite Hill Village Hall is located at 7215 Eagle Road, Waite Hill, OH 44094.
Phone: 440‑942‑1612.
Beginnings [1]
William Waite of Onondaga County, New York, purchased 629 acres of the western half of the plateau between the branches of the Chagrin River. It was prime land for farming with fine and fertile soil, abundant water from gushing springs, and wood for building houses, cooking and heating. His deed was dated November 20, 1820, and the price was $1,572.80. Thus the first recorded valuation of land in what was to become Waite Hill Village was $2.50 per acre.
Over the next two years the entire Waite clan, which consisted of William, his two sons and two daughters and all of their spouses, moved here to settle the land. At first it was dangerous, and there were years of drudgery, but they made this into a prosperous farming area, which lasted several generations. The names Waite and Otis (William's son-in-law) were still much in evidence when things began to change at the turn of the century.
With improved transportation, prominent Clevelanders noticed the pleasing scenery and began to look to the east for sites for their summer and year-around homes. One such was John Sherwin. Deeds dated July 10, 1907, show he bought 105 acres from Eliza Waite, George Waite, et al., and there were similar purchases over the next several years. Friends joined Mr. Sherwin, and it was the foresight of these men, which made Waite Hill the unique place it is today. They decided that interests would best be served if the community became established as a legal entity. Kirtland Township trustees incorporated Waite Hill as a Village at an election on June 16, 1928. There are familiar names among the first Village officials who were elected July 14, 1928: Edward Bruch, Dan Hanna, John Sherwin, Charles Otis, Warren King, and Mrs. John Sherwin, Wilson Hobart, Walter Metcalf, John Sherwin, Jr., and John Newell, Jr.
Nearby Towns: Kirtland City • Kirtland Hills Village • Mentor City • Willowick City •