Franklin Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania (PA) 19347

Franklin Township

Chester County, Pennsylvania

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Township municipal offices are located at 20 Municipal Lane, Kemblesville, PA 19347.
Phone: 610‑255‑5212.


Franklin is bordered by London Grove, New Garden, London Britain, Elk, New London, and Penn Grove Townships and Cecil County Maryland.

Franklin Township [†] is currerntly in the midst of a second "wave" of rapid land use conversion in its 300 year history. The first "wave" occurred when the Township was settled by farmers in the early 1700s; the old growth forests were cleared and the prime agricultural soils they produced were widely plowed and planted to agricultural crops. Over recent decades, and now continuing, a scond large scale conversion is occurring as many of those farmlands are being developed into relatively dense residential neighborhoods.

† Franklin Township, Chester County, PA, adopted, February, 2006,, accessed March, 2019.

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