Beacon Hill, Valley Township, Chester County, Coatesville PA 19320

Beacon Hill

Valley Twp, Chester County, PA

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Beacon Hill is a subdivision of townhomes and detached singles built circa 1995-2000; median age is circa 1999. Median interior living space for the townhomes is approximately 1,500 sqft. Median interior living space for the detached singles is approximately 1,800 sqft. Median lot size of the singles is approximately one-third of an acre.

Nearby: Coatesville Country Club; Hibernia County Park.

Access to the Ashburton Place neighborhood is from Mineral Springs Road onto Pinckney Drive or Cambridge Way.

Nearby Neighborhoods

Street Names
Ashburton Place • Beacon Street • Cambridge Way • Pinckney Drive • Revere Court • Thomas Circle

Models / Floorplans: Ashton, Dartmouth, Drexel

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