Named for the birthplace of William Penn's first wife, Gulielma Springett, Chalfant St Giles is a residential subdivision of approximately 38 detached, single family homes built circa 2001 by Old Colony Builders. Portions of the neighborhood border Marsh Creek State Park.
Lot sizes range from 1 to 3 acres with a median of slightly over 2 acres. Interior living space ranges from approximately 3,700 to almost 6,000 sqft. with a median of approximately 4,100 sqft.
Access to the Chalfant St. Giles neighborhood is from Chalfont Road onto Waterview Drive.
Nearby Neighborhoods
Street Names
Waterview Drive • Wycombe Road
Models / Floorplans: Berkley, Exeter, Fairfield, Gloucester, Manor House, Sommerset