Twin Hills is a residential subdivision of detached, single family homes, townhomes, and semi-attached twins, built circa 1989-1999 by various builders; median age is circa 1993.
Twins: located on Harness Lane, Huntsman Way, Saddle Lane, and Todd Lane; median age circa 1994; median interior living space approximately 2,000 sqft.
Townhomes: located on Jacques Circle, Samantha Circle, and Welsh Circle; median age circa 1993; median interior living space approximately 1,700 sqft.
Detached Singles: located on Char Sam Circle, Country Way, Crimson Place, Duncan Way, Lynne Place, Milhouse Way, Quail Way, and Quaker Way; median age is circa 1995; median interior living space is approximately 2,300 sq. ft; median lot size is slightly more than one-third of an acre.
Access to the Twin Hills neighborhood is from Eagle Farms Road onto Char Sam Circle.
Nearby Neighborhoods
Street Names
Bailey Place • Char Sam Circle • Country Way • Crimson Place • Duncan Way • Harness Lane • Huntsman Way • Jacques Circle • Lynne Place • Milhouse Way • Quail Way • Quaker Way • Saddle Lane • Samantha Circle • Todd Lane • Welsh Circle
Models / Floorplans: Canterberry, Georgetown, Jefferson, Lafayette, Oxford, Pritchard