New Fairfield Town Hall is located at 4 Brush Hill Road, New Fairfield, CT 06812. Phone: 203‑312‑5616.
Ball Pond
Ball Pond Estates
Bigelow Corners
Bogus Hill
Candlewood Corners
Candlewood Hills
Candlewood Isle
Candlewood Isle
Candlewood Knolls
Candlewood Lake Estates
Cathmere Estates
Charcoal Ridge
Hollywyle Park
Indian Hill
Kellogg Point
Locust Glen
Meadowbrook Estates
Meadowood Farms
Red Fox Crossing
Rock Ridge
Rock Ridge Estates
Sail Harbour
Spruce Ridge Estates
Stonebrooke Estates
Twin Brook Estates
Twin Ponds
Warwick Farms
Weldon Wood Estates
Woodrige Estates
Beginnings [1]
New Fairfield was granted by the General Assembly to families from Fairfield, and apparently settled about 1730. The cutting off of "the Oblong" in settlement of the boundary dispute between Connecticut and New York, had contracted the original area. A town was incorporated in 1740. The featured site of New Fairfield is Candlewood Lake, in 1935 the largest lake in the State, created by the Connecticut Light and Power Company in 1927. Many summer homes were built along the shores of the lake.
Edgar L. Heermance, compiler, The Connecticut Guide: What to See and Where to Find It, Connecticut Emergency Relief Commission, Hartford, 1935.