South Bethlehem, Bethlehem Town, Albany County, Selkirk NY, 12158

South Bethlehem

Bethlehem Town, Albany County, NY

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  • Post Office: Selkirk
  • Zip Code: 12158

South Bethlehem (formely Janes' Corners) was, in 1897, a station on the West Shore Railroad. Early settlers included William Janes, John and Henry Callanan, Ambrose Wiltsie, and Elishama Janes who opened a tavern here. A tannery was built about 1825, operated for many years by Robert Carhart. The post office was opened in 1874. William McGee was postmaster in 1897. [1]

  1. Amasa J. Parker, editor, Landmarks of Albany County New York, D. Mason & Co., Publishers, Syracuse, 1897.

Street Names
Bridge Street • Railroad Street • Route 396 • South Street • Willowbrook Avenue

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