Maytown is a prosperous village of 660 inhabitants, located in East Donegal township, Lancaster county, 18 miles west of Lancaster, the county seat, and 2-1/2 miles north of Marietta, its shipping point and banking town, on Columbia Br., of the Penn. R. R. It contains 4 churches, 4 graded schools, 1 hotel, and exports tobacco. Daily stage to Marietta. E. Stackhouse, postmaster.
Albright John, blacksmith.
Book & Jacobs, leaf tobacco.
Brooks Andrew, tailor.
Brown Charles, justice.
Brown C M, furniture mnfr.
Eagle John, coachmkr.
Engle & Bro, nursery.
Engler & McClure, druggists.
Gorner Martha, dressmkr.
Grove David, leaf tobacco.
Fames Harry, shoemkr.
Hays Luther, carpenter.
Henderson Benjamin, brick mnfr.
Henderson John D, general store.
Henderson W W, carpenter.
Hester Frederick, saloon.
Hoffman &Houseal, leaf tobacco.
Hoffman & Siviler, General Store and Cigar Mnfrs.
Houseal & Glattacker, cigar mnfrs.
Houseal Frederick, barber. J
Johnston Henry, shoemkr.
Keller Michael, shoemkr.
Kendig George, wagonmkr.
Klugh Herr, shoemkr.
Klugh Jesse, grocer.
Longenecker Christian, brick mnfr.
Mackley John, grocer.
Meyer Charles, tinsmith.
Pence Samuel, blacksmith.
Reidlinger Frederick, livery.
Shireman Jefferson, carpenter.
Shireman Win, Dentist.
Shuffer David, blacksmith.
Warner George, grocer. Washington House, Jacob Hisstand.