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Harleysville Map
School District: Souderton Area
Post Office: Harleysville
Zip Code: 19438
HARLEYSVILLLE. Located in Lower Salford township, Montgomery county. Norristown, the county seat, is 15 miles distant, and Souderton, which is on N. P. Div. of P. & R. R. R., is the nearest approach by rail, and is the banking town. Population, 387. A. K. Zeigler, postmaster. [Polk's Gazetteer, 1882]
Becker Adam, baker.
Binder Jacob B, carriagemkr.
Binder Samuel B, clothing mnfr.
Bower Henry, jewelry.
Cassel Ephriam, undertaker.
Clemmens Jacob K, flour and feed.
Clemmer Daniel, boots and shoes.
Cressman Reuben, blacksmith.
Denner Jacob, carpenter.
Egolf George, clothing mnfr.
Groff Henry G, physician.
Groff Jacob S, flour mill.
Haiteman A B, painter.
Harley Jacob K. harnessmkr.
Harleysville Creamery.
Hartzell Harvey, physician.
Keeler Rine, physician.
Keeler Vincent, physician.
Kratz A F, chair mnfr.
Landes Elias, produce.
Lutz J F, clothing mnfr.
Moyer John H, boots and shoes.
Moyer &Gebman, hardware.
Quinque August, agr imp.
Rise A H, produce.
Rosenberger Lyman, soap mnfr.
Shisler James, cigar mnfr.
Snyder Frank, hotel.
Troxell John J, painter.
Wolford Henry, stoves and tinware.
Zeigler Abraham K, General Store.
Zeigler C Mrs, milliner.
Zeiss John, shoemkr.
Nearby Neighborhoods
Street Names Harleysville Pike • Main Street • Maple Avenue • Route 113 • Route 63