Saint Andrews Drive
A Saint Andrews Drive is found in the neighborhood(s) listed below.
- Hillcrest
Boise City, ID
City neighborhood comprised primarily of single family residences.
- Country Knolls West
Clifton Park Town, NY
1980s subdivision of detached, single family homes.
- Fairway Village
East Goshen Township, PA
Subdivision of detached, single family homes ca. 1984
- Greens at Waynesboro
Easttown Township, PA
Subdivision of detached, single family homes by Toll Brothers ca. 1997.
- Hartefeld
New Garden Township, PA
Subdivision of detached, single family residences by Bellevue Homes ca. 2002.
- Tattersall
West Bradford Township, PA
Subdivision of detached singles by various builders ca. 2005.
- Glenloch
Middletown Township, PA
Townhome subdivision ca. 1976.
- Grove Point
Lower Pottsgrove Township, PA
Subdivision of detached, single family homes ca. 2003.
- Glen Eagle Estates
Lower Pottsgrove Township, PA