West Side Historic District, Hendersonville City, Henderson County, Hendersonville, NC, 28739

West Side Historic District

Hendersonville City, Henderson County, NC

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The West Side Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2001. Portions of the content on this web page were adapted from a copy of the original nomination document. [‡]


West Side Historic District, located one block to the west of the commercial center of downtown Hendersonville, is bounded roughly by Washington Street on the east, Blythe Street on the west, the northern property boundaries of lots on Fifth Avenue West, Oak Hill Court, and Florida Avenue on the north, and the southern property boundaries of lots on Third Avenue West and Fourth Avenue West. Boundaries of the West Side Historic District were drawn based upon concentrations of contributing buildings, along with detailed research into the historic plats that guided the development of the neighborhood from the early 1900s to the late 1940s. The topography of the neighborhood consists of a series of gently rolling hills with many houses set level with the street along with several which are set up on hillsides with stone retaining walls to the front. New commercial, institutional, and residential development surrounds the West Side Historic District to the north, south, and west, with many modern medical office buildings framing the northern edge of the district along Fifth Avenue. The commercial core of Hendersonville, including the Main Street Historic District, is located to the east of the neighborhood. The West Side Historic District consists of 244 contributing houses and outbuildings, one contributing school building, ninety-nine non-contributing houses and outbuildings, eight non-contributing structures (freestanding carports), and five vacant lots. Most of the non-contributing buildings were built after 1951 and therefore fall outside the period of significance. Some of the non-contributing buildings were built during the period of significance, but have undergone extensive modern architectural changes and therefore do not have sufficient integrity from the historic time period. The West Side Historic District covers approximately 111 acres, and incorporates a number of separate subdivision developments dating from 1917 to 1951, many of which were originally large land holdings of individual property owners that pre-dated the extensive residential development of later years.

The layout of most of these subdivisions utilized a typical grid plan, which was often employed to subdivide land due to its ease of layout and conformity in size of lots. Many lots in the West Side Historic District are fifty to one hundred feet wide, level with the street, and some are raised above street level on the gently rolling hillsides evident throughout the neighborhood. Stone retaining walls of either rough cut granite slabs or cut granite blocks delineate these elevated lots throughout the historic district. Exceptions to the generally small lots are the Jason K. Livingston House at 1235 Fifth Avenue West; the Columbus Mills Pace House at 813 Fifth Avenue West; the Charles A. Hobbs House at 1230 Fifth Avenue West; the William M. Sherard House at 1110 Fourth Avenue West; the Junius Anders House at 910 Fourth Avenue West; and the John G. Grant House at 816 Fourth Avenue West. Most of these lots are large corner lots approximately 400 feet wide by 200 feet deep, with the houses set back on the lot, often on the crest of a hill, and in some cases hidden from the street by large evergreen or deciduous trees. An exception to the corner lots is the Columbus Mills Pace House which is located in the middle of the block bounded by Whitted and Oak streets, and occupies almost half of the block. Of these larger houses, one of the most notable landscapes is at the Charles A. Hobbs House, with a large open front lawn and an extensive rear garden with numerous perennial gardens and a formal patio. Some of the most notable granite retaining walls can be seen along the north side of Fourth Avenue, extending in front of the James Grey, Jr. House (919 Fourth Avenue West; the Abram Kantrowitz House (913 Fourth Avenue West); and the Lila J. Wooley House (909 Fourth Avenue West).

Architectural styles and house types represented in the neighborhood are 102 Bungalows, five front-gable Cottages, thirteen side-gable Cottages, six hip-roof Cottages, one cross gable roof Cottage, one vernacular double-pile house, two I-houses, seven Tudor Revival, sixteen Colonial Revival, two Dutch Colonial Revival, six Foursquare, eight Queen Anne, two Shingle style, five Neoclassical Revival, two Spanish Colonial Revival, two Classical Revival, sixteen Ranch, twenty-three Minimal Traditional, eighteen Modern, and five which have been altered so extensively the original style is no longer apparent. The majority of buildings are one-story, set in even rows lining both sides of the street, with some of the larger homes set farther back on the lots or up on the hillsides. Most houses are brick, with some use of shingles or weatherboard siding.

The oldest house in the West Side neighborhood is the Columbus Mills Pace House (813 Fifth Avenue West, ca.1860s), which pre-dates the development of the neighborhood and is notable for being a highly intact example of a mid-nineteenth century house along with several of its original outbuildings. Several blocks in the neighborhood were subdivided from the Pace property through the years. Other houses that appear to pre-date the major development period of the neighborhood include the Queen Anne style Wiltshire Griffith House (329 Washington Street, by 1912); Baker House (613 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1910); Junius Anders House (910 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1900); Lyda House (726 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1900); and Claude M. Pace House (334 Third Avenue West, ca.1910); the Neoclassical Revival Jason K. Livingston House (1235 Fifth Avenue West, ca.1900); Mauney-Blythe House (705 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1902); and Scheper House (407 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1900); the I-house Mary Penland House (735 Fifth Avenue West, ca.1890); the Colonial Revival style Roberts House (908 Fifth Avenue West, ca.1893); and John G. Grant House (816 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1894); the Dutch Colonial Revival Sylvester Maxwell House (1003 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1910); and the Classical Revival Curtis-Burckmeyer House (731 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1903).

The first period of large-scale development within the West Side neighborhood occurred from the 1910s through the late 1920s. Many houses in the neighborhood were designed by prominent Hendersonville architect Erie Stillwell. Several are documented as his work based upon existing drawings in the Erie Stillwell architectural drawing collection, and others are noted as being likely to be his work based upon similarity of detailing and style to his documented buildings. Stillwell designed buildings in a variety of styles, but most of his commissions within the West Side Historic District are examples of the Classical Revival and Tudor Revival styles. The bungalows that he designed often included elements from these two styles within the basic form and massing of the bungalow. Some examples of Stillwell's work in the neighborhood are the Henry J. Quilhot House (520 Valley Street), Hedge-Burrowes House (525 Ehringhaus Street, the Oral E. Hedge House (519 Ehringhaus Street), Dr. Oswald Smith House (513 Ehringhaus Street), John W. Small House (501 Justice Street), Maxwell Apartments (623-629 Fifth Avenue West), Charles A. Hobbs House (1230 Fifth Avenue West), Ambassador Apartments (616 Fifth Avenue West), James Grey, Jr. House (919 Fourth Avenue West), Abram Kantrowitz House (913 Fourth Avenue West), Dr. J.L. Egerton House (807 Fourth Avenue West), William M. Sherard House (1110 Fourth Avenue West), Ernest Dodge House (844 Fourth Avenue West), and Rosa Edwards Elementary School (414 Fourth Avenue West), located near the east entrance to the neighborhood, facing Fourth Avenue West.

The Bungalow style is by far the most predominant style in the neighborhood, with several particularly notable examples. Some good examples of this house type are the Abram Kantrowitz House (913 Fourth Avenue West, 1917) with a cross-gable roof, and an engaged front porch with stone piers and a solid stone balustrade; the Dr. J.L. Egerton House (807 Fourth Avenue West, 1913) with shingle siding, a cross gable roof, and a wraparound porch with stone piers; and the Ashley H. Houston House (622 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1925) with striated tan brick walls, a green tile roof, and multi-light casement windows. Particularly notable examples of the Tudor Revival style include the Hedge-Burrowes House (525 Ehringhaus Street, ca.1925) with a multi-gable roof, round arch and multi-light casement windows, and a notable front door and the William M. Sherard House (1110 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1925) an expansive house with prominent front gable with half-timbering, sunroom wings, multi-light front door with sidelights and a fanlight, set on a large corner lot.[1] Notable examples of the Colonial Revival include the James Grey, Jr. House (919 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1925) with a classically detailed front entry stoop, multi-panel front door with fanlight and sidelights, and a notable one-story garage and the Charles A. Hobbs House (1230 Fifth Avenue West, 1922) with a side gable roof with boxed returns, round-arched dormers, one-story wings, shingle siding, classically detailed front doorway, and extensive landscaping. Two Neoclassical Revival style apartment buildings are located in the neighborhood, the Maxwell Apartments (623-629 Fifth Avenue West, ca.1920) and the Ambassador Apartments (616 Fifth Avenue West, ca.1926). The Maxwell Apartments is the earliest apartment building in the neighborhood, followed by the Ambassador, with later development in the neighborhood including the construction of modern apartment buildings or the conversion of older buildings to apartments.

While most houses were built during the primary period of growth in the neighborhood from 1910 to the late 1920s, there are several notable examples of houses dating from 1930 through the late 1940s, when there was a shorter period of development which took place in the neighborhood. Some notable examples of these include the side-gable cottage Luke A. Wingert House (305 Valley Street, 1935), the Colonial Revival John W. Small House (501 Justice Street, ca.1939), the Minimal Traditional Roy Creager House (615 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1948); the John S. Forrest House (511 Fourth Avenue West, ca.1943); and the Craftsman Bungalow Oscar Latt House (830 Fourth Avenue West, 1930).


The West Side Historic District is locally significant for listing in the National Register of Historic Places for architecture for its intact collection of residences representative of the period from the 1860s to 1951. These houses range from 1860s seasonal houses of coastal South Carolina residents to several distinctive Tudor Revival and Classical Revival houses from the 1920s and 1930s designed by Hendersonville's premier architect Erie Stillwell. The West Side Historic District is also significant for community planning and development as a neighborhood that represents the residential development trends in Hendersonville from the 1860s to the early 1950s. The first development of the West Side Historic District took place beginning in the late nineteenth to early twentieth century with scattered farmhouses and summer homes being among the earliest buildings. Formally platted small subdivisions by myriad local developers began to appear as early as 1906, with the largest development occurring between 1916 and the mid-1920s. Although the neighborhood continued to develop after 1951, this period does not constitute exceptional significance, and therefore the period of significance ends at the fifty-year cut-off date.

Historic Background and Community Planning and Development

The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in Hendersonville proved to be a tremendous boom time for speculative residential real estate development, and the West Side neighborhood was no exception to this. Once the railroad arrived in 1879, nationally popular building styles and the materials to construct them became more readily available. Local brickyards and sawmills became important commercial enterprises. While the Columbus Mills Pace House (813 Fifth Avenue West), ca.1860s, pre-dates this development period, residential growth on the west side of town began in concert with the late nineteenth century boom taking place in other parts of Hendersonville.

The owners of the 1860s Columbus Mills Pace House, originally associated with an extensive landholding on the west side of downtown Hendersonville, gradually sold off parcels during the twentieth century to subdivision developers. Other late nineteenth to early twentieth century homes in West Side were summer homes built for coastal South Carolina and Florida part-time residents. Hendersonville, like many other parts of the county, was no exception to the trend of wealthy low landers who built grand summer homes, bringing with them the influences of low-country architectural styles and families into the western North Carolina culture.[2] The train access available to downtown Hendersonville, along with a streetcar which ran up Fifth Avenue, made this neighborhood a more convenient place for these part-time residents to build than the neighborhoods further to the north.[3] Notable examples of these early residences in the West Side neighborhood built by Charlestonians include the Baker House (613 Fourth Avenue West), Mauney-Blythe House (705 Fourth Avenue West), Scheper House (407 Fourth Avenue West), Roberts House (908 Fifth Avenue West), and Curtis-Burckmeyer House (731 Fourth Avenue West).

As the population of Hendersonville and the increasing number of summer residents began to grow in the early twentieth century, the need for housing became a top priority and an opportunity for many entrepreneurial developers. This is similar to what happened in the Hyman Heights neighborhood to the north where land from the mid-nineteenth century Gothic Revival Killarney, ca.1858, was sold to develop most of the neighborhood.[4] The Leander Justice House, ca.1910, from which much of the Druid Hills neighborhood was subdivided, is another example of this pattern of large farms sold to developers during the booming growth periods of the town.[5]

Most of the West Side neighborhood was developed during the first two decades of the twentieth century at the same time as other neighborhoods in Hendersonville, including the more suburban Druid Hills and Hyman Heights neighborhoods to the north. Hyman Heights was platted in 1905, and the adjacent Mount Royal was platted in 1923.[6] Druid Hills developed concurrently with the 1920s development in the West Side Historic District, with the initial portion being platted in 1923 and later sections added in 1925. Most homes were built by 1926, with the majority built by 1945.[7] In contrast to the West Side, both Druid Hills and the Hyman Heights/Mount Royal neighborhoods were comprised of single large, planned subdivision plans platted by single developers. Druid Hills and Mount Royal broke from the grid plan to bring in the nationally popular use of the curvilinear street pattern.[8] In contrast, the West Side Historic District is comprised of a conglomeration of many individual developers who developed small areas within the overall western edge of the city limits of Hendersonville. The fact that there were so many separate developers involved in platting the west side of town is indicative of the ongoing boom in real estate occurring in Hendersonville and western North Carolina during the first decades of the twentieth century.

Platted subdivisions for the West Side neighborhood often included pre-existing houses, along with potential new lots for development. The acreage of the subdivided areas varied considerably, but generally lots and streets were laid out in a grid pattern, with lot widths ranging from twenty-five to fifty feet in width. A few of the subdivision included larger lots with widths of seventy-five to one hundred feet, but these were the exception. Some of the more wealthy property owners bought several smaller lots together to create a larger parcel for an often grander house. The earliest plat for the development of the West Side neighborhood was the "J.P. Rickman's Residence Lot," dated January 1906. This plat laid out approximately fifteen seventy-five foot wide residential lots along one block of Broad Street (now Fifth Avenue West) and Fleming Street, surrounding a large residential property.[9] Only a small portion of this plat is included in the historic district because most of the lots have been redeveloped in recent years with modern buildings. This earliest development was clearly in response to the access provided to the neighborhood by the Laurel Park Street Railway system, which began operating in 1905. This line ran from Main Street up Broad Street (now Fifth Avenue West) to Laurel Park, and continued to operate until 1916.[10]

The majority of the development of the west side of town took place from the late 1910s to the late 1920s, concurrent with the dates of the platted subdivisions. The "Plan of the A.E. Morris Property" (December 1, 1916) platted one of the next areas to be developed. This subdivision included eleven fifty to sixty foot wide lots at the corner of Fleming Street and Fourth Avenue West, all of which is included in the West Side Historic District.[11] Charles Blum developed a portion of the neighborhood in 1917.[12] It appears that most of this development, which included thirteen seventy-five to one hundred foot wide lots between Third and Fourth Avenue West in the blocks between Valley and Cross Streets (now Ehringhaus Street) was successful. One portion to the south was redeveloped later as the "Property of Mrs. Eliza Barranger" in 1925.[13] The easternmost portion, which contained pre-existing houses in the 1917 plat, apparently was sold off as a later subdivisions, the Alton Keith Subdivision (1953).[14] The "J.H. Ripley Subdivision" was platted August 5, 1919. This development included thirty-two fifty to seventy-five foot wide lots between Third and Fourth Avenues West, with the cross streets of Blythe and Taylor Streets. A portion of the Ripley Subdivision was later re-platted as the "Sample & Gregory Resubdivision of Lots 11, 16, 19, & 24 J.H. Ripley" (March 1923).[15] Another early development in the neighborhood was the "S. Maxwell's 5th Avenue Subdivision" (August 5, 1919), a plat of sixteen thirty to fifty foot wide lots at the corner of Fifth Avenue West and N. Whitted Street.[16] Sylvester Maxwell, who also lived in the neighborhood, was the president of S. Maxwell Real Estate, and vice-president of the Osceola Lake Company. He developed land in other parts of town as well.[17] In the late 1910s and 1920s, in addition to the more formally platted subdivisions, Columbus Mills Pace, the owner of the earliest house and extensive land holdings in the neighborhood, apparently also sold off portions of his property including his house. Judson College, located in the block bounded by Third and Fourth avenues, and Fleming and Buncombe streets, also apparently sold off some of its land holdings prior to 1911, pre-dating the P.L. Wright subdivision of 1921, located in the same area.

In the early 1920s land continued to be developed in the neighborhood, with several additional areas subdivided by local developers. Lots were generally similar in size as in the earlier plats, lending a uniformity to the overall appearance of the residential neighborhood. However, the overall size of the subdivisions varied, ranging from as few as two or three lots to as many as forty-eight. Unlike the development of the Druid Hills and Hyman Heights neighborhoods to the north, there was never any large scale development of any one area of the West Side: The "C.F. Bland subdivision of 48 Residential Sites on Sixth Avenue, Oak Street, Florida Avenue, and Justice Street" (April, 1920) was located between. Oak and Justice streets, extending north to Sixth Avenue West and south to the southern property boundaries of Florida Avenue. Due to the larger size of the development, Florida Avenue was probably newly platted to accommodate more lots. The subdivision consisted of twenty-five to thirty-foot wide lots. C. Frank Bland lived on Patton Avenue in Hyman Heights in the 1920s, and was president of Bland Real Estate Company.[18] The "Property of P.L. Wright" (March 7, 1921), located at the corner of Third Avenue West and Crescent Circle (now Fleming Street) contained three lots of forty to sixty-five feet in width, including Wright's own home. "Oak Hill Court" (November 14, 1922) was laid out as a grouping of twenty-three, fifty-foot wide lots. The present day Oak Hill Court was named Spanish Street on the plat. The "A.T. Cole and E.L. White subdivision North Fifth Avenue" (May 23, 1923) was located between Fourth and Fifth Avenues West, bounded by Blythe Street on the west and Taylor Street on the east. This plat included six, sixty to seventy-five foot wide lots, along with the existing Hobbs property at Blythe Street and three pre-existing houses on the east. The "Estate of J.M. Seignious" (1923), located south of Fourth Avenue West near the intersection of Oak Street, platted his own house, the Burckmeyer House, and two additional lots to the west. The Eliza Barranger development (1925) consisted of five, fifty to sixty-foot wide lots, redeveloped from the earlier Charles Blum development.[19] Another subdivision from the 1920s was the Pless Subdivision, located between Fourth and Fifth Avenues West, bounded by Valley Street to the west and N. Whitted Street to the east.

Additional areas of the neighborhood were subdivided into the 1930s, a re-working of already existing land divisions. These included the "Map of Lots 7 to 10 Maxwell Subdivision" (February 1, 1939); and the "Plat of the Quilhot Property, Valley Street" (May 29, 1939), located between Valley and Ehringhaus Streets, north of Fifth Avenue West. The Quilhot plat was a survey of pre-existing properties, with one large lot available at the southern portion, approximately 177 feet in width.[20] In addition to these formally platted areas, several houses were constructed in the 1930s, filling in lots which had been previously platted in the 1910s or 1920s but had never been built upon.

This trend of infilling previously platted areas continued into the late 1940s to early 1950s when additional post-World War II houses were built as replacements for earlier houses or on undeveloped lots. This was in keeping with a pattern in other areas of Hendersonville to supply much needed housing for the post-World War II growing population. The Alton Keith Subdivision (1953) was the only formally platted subdivision of land during this time period, and it was a re-platting of an earlier subdivision. It also appears from existing records that several areas in the West Side neighborhood were never formally platted into subdivisions. It is likely that individual property owners sold off portions of their land, some within the period of significance and some in more recent times, within which infill structures were built from the 1950s through the present day.

The West Side Historic District contains within its boundaries many examples of grand houses along with a large concentration of more modest bungalows. Some of the earlier houses on large lots included large family landholdings and were pre-existing to the subdivision development of the neighborhood. The grand summer homes built by the coastal South Carolinians were not indicative of the local economy, but of the wealth of the lowland areas coming to the mountains. By the twentieth century the few residents who could afford to hire an architect, in most cases Erie Stillwell, built many grander, period revival style homes on larger lots. The concentration of the smaller bungalows on more modest sized lots is indicative of the fact that much of the West Side neighborhood provided housing for the working class. The developers of the neighborhood were not platting large lots for resale. They were catering to the up and coming working class, who, during Hendersonville's boom time, could afford new homes, even if they were smaller in size.

Residents in the neighborhood during its period of significance from the 1860s to the early 1950s included many individuals who worked for the local mills and industries in town, including Grey Hosiery Mill, Ecusta Paper Corporation, Chipmart-LaCrosse, Balfour Quarry, Duke Power Company, Southern Railway, and Wing Paper Box Company. Other residents owned or were employed at small businesses in town such as Crystal Barber Shop, Central News Stand, The Leader department store, the Fashion Shop, F.W. Woolworth Company, King's Hardware, Kalin's Boston Store, Kanter's, Inc., Byers Brothers, Houston Furniture Company, and Burckmeyer Grocery. In the late 1930s to early 1940s, many individuals worked for oil or automobile-related businesses such as The Texas Company, Motor Service and Sales, Standard Oil Company, Gulf Oil, and Shipman Motor Company. In the early to mid-1940s, there were traveling salesmen living in the neighborhood, and widows either renting rooms to boarders or renting houses to live in. Many residences were home to local church ministers. Some houses were home to summer residents, and others were rented to "tourists," or boarders, in the 1930s and 1940s. Although much of the West Side neighborhood appears to have been home to working class residents, there were also professionals living in the area, including dentists, physicians, pharmacists, lawyers, teachers and administrators, and real estate developers. Sylvester Maxwell, one of the many developers who laid out subdivisions in the neighborhood, lived on Fourth Avenue West. Richard C. Clarke, president of Bank & Trust Company and Hendersonville Abstract & Title Company, was another developer and resident in the neighborhood. Mill owners James Grey, Jr., and Charles Grey of Grey Hosiery Mills, also lived in the neighborhood. Ralph W. Jones was principal at Etowah School.

Architecture Context

There are several examples of houses in the West Side Historic District that pre-date the early twentieth century primary development period of the neighborhood and are examples of mid to late nineteenth century architectural styles popular locally. Others were influenced by the influx of summer residents at the time. The West Side neighborhood contains an example of a mid-nineteenth century double-pile, classically-inspired house (the Columbus Mills Pace House, 813 Fifth Avenue West), an I-house (the Mary Penland House, 735 Fifth Avenue West), and several Queen Anne dwellings (the Wiltshire Griffith House, 329 Washington Street; Baker House, 613 Fourth Avenue West; Junius Anders House, 910 Fourth Avenue West; Lyda House, 726 Fourth Avenue West; and Claude M. Pace House, 334 Third Avenue West). The Charleston-influenced houses brought to the neighborhood architectural features popular in the coastal areas. All of these homes are set on large lots, many of them up on the hillsides. The Baker House (613 Fourth Avenue West) is an example of a Queen Anne/Classical Revival style house with a steeply pitched roofline; the Mauney-Blythe House (705 Fourth Avenue West) typifies the use of the double tier porch so common to the Charleston area; the Scheper House (407 Fourth Avenue West) utilizes the grand scale of the Neoclassical Revival; the Roberts House (908 Fifth Avenue West), a grand Colonial Revival style, creates an imposing presence on Fifth Avenue West; and the Curtis-Burckmeyer House (731 Fourth Avenue West), a Classical Revival style house, utilizes the two-tier porches common to low country houses.

Due to its greater number of late nineteenth century buildings than the Druid Hills or Hyman Heights neighborhoods located to the north, the West Side neighborhood is similar in some ways in appearance to the smaller neighborhood to the south, originally a portion of Lenox Park, with Rose and Dale streets as its main intersection. The Rose and Dale neighborhood includes many late nineteenth century homes mixed with later bungalows and modern houses.

The twentieth century Bungalow, Colonial Revival, Tudor Revival, Foursquare, Neoclassical Revival and Minimal Traditional style houses in the West Side neighborhood were similar in appearance to other neighborhoods in Hendersonville developing in the first three decades of the twentieth century. Both the Hyman Heights/Mount Royal Historic District and Druid Hills Historic District contain examples of similar styles of architecture, including, like in West Side Historic District, a concentration of bungalows. Bungalows in the West Side Historic District range from the modest to the more Craftsman-influenced houses such as the Abram Kantrowitz House (913 Fourth Avenue West) and Dr. J.L. Egerton House (807 Fourth Avenue West). There is a distinctive concentration of late 1930s to early 1950s buildings in Hyman Heights, in contrast to the more scattered later infill housing which took place in West Side. Some of these later buildings in West Side are residences, some are apartments, and some are churches. These later buildings were constructed throughout the neighborhood, primarily on lots where older houses had been torn down, or on vacant lots which were never developed during the main building boom of the neighborhood. Some continued to use the widely popular Bungalow style into the 1930s, but several were built in the Minimal Traditional style, a clearly transitional style between the Bungalow and the later Ranch style. Minimal Traditional houses in the West Side neighborhood utilized many of the common elements of this style, including being one-story, gable roofs, and siding materials such as German siding, stone veneer or masonite boards.


  1. Architectural drawing collection of Erle Stillwell. Located at Harley-Ellis Architects, Asheville, North Carolina. Not accessible to the public. Many of the houses listed are documented within this inventory, and some are noted as possible designs of Stillwell based upon owner-provided information.
  2. Bowers, Sybil A. "Historic and Architectural Properties in Hendersonville, North Carolina: A Partial Inventory." Multiple Property Documentation Form, 1983, p.E-8.
  3. The Laurel Park Street Railway ran from Main Street out Fifth Avenue West from 1905 to 1916. Trolleys in the Land of the Sky. Forty Fort, Pennsylvania: Harold E. Cox, publisher, 2000, p.76.
  4. "Hyman Heights/Mount Royal Historic District," p.7-34.
  5. "Druid Hills Historic District," p. 7-20.
  6. Bowers, Sybil. "Hyman Heights/Mount Royal Historic District." National Register nomination. 9 August 2000, p. 8-1.
  7. Bowers, Sybil. "Druid Hills Historic District." National Register nomination. 22 March 2000, p.8-1.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Plat Book B, page 243.
  10. Bailey, David C., Canfield, Joseph M., and Cox, Harold E. Trolleys in the Land of the Sky. Forty Fort, Pennsylvania: Harold E. Cox, publisher, 2000, p.76.
  11. Plat Book B, page 107A.
  12. "Map of Property of Chas. Blum," September 1917. Plat Book B, page 266A.
  13. Plat Book B, p. 127.
  14. Deed Book 323, page 162.
  15. Ripley subdivision Book B, page 103A; Sample & Gregory Book B, page 32.
  16. Plat Book B, page 2.
  17. Hendersonville City .Directories, 1926-1927.
  18. Hendersonville City Directories, 1926-1927.
  19. C.F. Bland Plat Book B, page 7A; P.L. Wright Plat Book B, page 12A; Oak Hill Court Plat Book B, page 38; Cole and White Plat Book B, page 36; Seignious Estate from survey files; Barranger Plat Book B, page 127.
  20. Maxwell Plat Book B, page 231; Quilhot Plat Book B, page 231A.


Architectural drawing collection of Erie Stillwell. Located at Harley-Ellis Architects, Asheville, North Carolina. Not accessible to the public.

Bailey, David C., Canfield, Joseph M., and Cox, Harold E. Trolleys in the Land of the Sky. Forty Fort, Pennsylvania: Harold E. Cox, publisher. 2000.

Beaver, Virginia. Longtime resident of neighborhood. Written interview by Sybil A. Bowers, 18 November 2000.

Bowers, Sybil. "Historic and Architectural Properties in Hendersonville, North Carolina: A Partial Inventory." National Register of Historic Places, Multiple Property Documentation Form, 1983.

Bowers, Sybil. "Druid Hills Historic District." National Register of Historic Places nomination, March 22, 2000.

Bowers, Sybil. "Hyman Heights/Mount Royal Historic District." National Register of Historic Places nomination, August 9, 2000.

Henderson County Deed Records.

Henderson County Plat Books.

Hendersonville City Directories, 1926 to 1952.

Hendersonville Multiple Property Nomination Form.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Company Maps 1912, 1922, 1926, and 1954.

‡ Sybil Argintar Bowers, Bowers Southeastern Preservation, West Side Historic District, Henderson County, North Carolina, nomination document, 2001, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places, Washington, D.C.

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Street Names
3rd Avenue West • 4th Avenue West • 5th Avenue West • Adams Street • Blythe Street • Buncombe Street • Ehringhaus Street • Fleming Street • Florida Avenue • Jefferson Street • Justice Street • Oak Hill Court • Oak Street • Rhodes Street • Valley Street • Washington Street • Whitted Street North

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