Plumsteadville, Plumstead Township, Bucks County, Plumsteadville PA 18949


Plumstead Twp, Bucks County, PA

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  • School District: Central Bucks
  • Post Office: Plumsteadville
  • Zip Code: 18949

While Plumsteadville has its own non-delivery postal zip (18949), the boundaries of three others meet at the village: Doylestown (18901), Perkasie (18944) and Pipersville (18947).

Beginnings [1]

Plumsteadville was originally known as Harts Tavern. James Hart built the tavern around 1751 after he had bought 400 acres of land in the area. By the beginning of the Revolutionary War, a few houses had also been built in the vicinity of the tavern. After the war, John Rodrock bought the tavern and the village became known as Plumstead. A post office, one of the earliest in the county, was established with Rodrock as postmaster. There is evidence that the village was known as Rodrocks after 1800. In 1832 a "new post office" was established and was called Fisherville (the origin of the name is unknown). The villages was once again known as Plumstead from 1840 until 1846 when it received its present name of Plumsteadville. At one time, Plumsteadville was known all over the eastern United States and Canada for the excellent vehicles produced at the carriage, sleigh and wagon works of Aaron Kratz.

Today [1987 ?] Plumsteadville is a rather large commercial village. The tavern, now the Plumsteadville Inn, remains the focal point of the village. Plumsteadville contains many commercial uses, as well as about thirty to forty single family homes and three apartment buildings. Several of the village businesses are located in converted residential dwellings. A small shopping center is presently being planned for the village at the intersection of Route 611 and Stump Road. In addition, a strip shopping development is already in operation just south of Plumsteadville.

The heavy traffic and the width of the road through Plumsteadville bisects the village. However, the presence of the traffic is almost certainly the reason for all the commercial development located in and around Plumsteadville.

Plumsteadville [2] is the most flourishing village in the township. In 1762 it was known as James Hart's tavern, and was but a crossroads hostelry. Fifty years ago it had but one dwelling, owned and occupied by John Rodrock as a public house, who was the proprietor of about 300 acres of land in that immediate vicinity. The house, a low, two-story, was recently torn down by John Shisler. After the decease of Mr. Rodrock the property was sold in lots, some of it bringing but eight dollars an acre. Forty-five years ago all the corn and fodder raised on a ten-acre field, adjoining the Rodrock farm was hauled home at two loads. The village contains about twenty-five dwellings, with tavern, store, and a brick church, Presbyterian, built in 1860. It is the seat of the extensive carriage factory of Aaron Kratz, which employs about fifty men. Point Pleasant, which lies partly in Tinicum and partly in Plumstead, will be noticed in our account of the former township. (The Kratz carriage and wagon works at Plumsteadville is the largest industrial plant in middle Bucks. It was established nearly 50 years ago by Aaron Kratz, and himself and son carry on a large business. They turn out all sorts of vehicles, in ordinary use, finding ready sale in many states of the union and Canada. Two large farms are near the works, and $50,000 insurance is carried on the stock and material.)

  1. Bucks County Planning Commission, The Villages of Bucks County: A Guidebook, 1987
  2. Davis, W.W.H., The History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Doylestown PA, Democrat Book and Job Office Print., 1876

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Street Names
Easton Road • Route 611 • Stump Road

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