Bayberry Lane
A Bayberry Lane is found in the neighborhood(s) listed below.
- Buckingham Park
, NJ
Levitt-built subdivision of detached, single family homes built ca. 1956.
- Buckingham Park
, NJ
Levitt-built subdivision of detached, single family homes built ca. 1956.
- Bay Head Hist Dist
Bay Head Borough, NJ
National Register Historic District.
- Heacock Meadows
Lower Makefield Township, PA
Townhomes by Granor-Price ca. 1981.
- Kingsbrook
Cranberry Township, PA
1990s subdivision of detached singles.
- Manor Creek Farms
Cranberry Township, PA
1990s subdivision of detached singles.
- Coventry Glen
East Coventry Township, PA
Townhome subdivision by Ryan Homes and N.V. Homes ca. 2006.
- Heather Glen
East Coventry Township, PA
Subdivision of detached singles ca. 2008.
- Dogwood Estates
Schuylkill Township, PA
Subdivision of detached, single family homes ca. 1978.
- Fairhill
Lower Providence Township, PA
Subdivision of detached, single family homes by Rouse-Chamberlin ca. 1994.