Winchester Drive
A Winchester Drive is found in the neighborhood(s) listed below.
- Glenside
Muskegon City, MI
Residential neighborhood ca. 1900-1950s.
- Pasadena Hills Hist Dist
Pasadena Hills City, MO
National Register Historic District.
- Princeton East
East Windsor Township, NJ
Subdivision of townhoms, twins and detached singles ca. 1986.
- Winchester Park
Buckingham Township, PA
Subdivision of detached, single family homes ca. 1974.
- Yardley Estates
Lower Makefield Township, PA
Subdivision of detached, single family homes by various builders ca. 1987.
- Green Acres
Quakertown Borough, PA
Neighborhood of detached singles ca. 1960s-1980s.
- Victoria Glen
Horsham Township, PA
Granor-Price single family subdivision ca. 1987.
- Blue Bell Estates
Whitpain Township, PA
Subdivision of of detached, single family homes by Sparange Construction ca. 1991.
- Green Acres
Whitpain Township, PA
Subdivision of detached, single family homes ca. 1973.
- Winchester Farms
Washington Township, NJ
- Winchester Parc
Covington City, GA