Mary Street
A Mary Street is found in the neighborhood(s) listed below.
- Marquette
Muskegon City, MI
City residential neighborhood.
- River Road and Western Downtown Residential Hist Dist
Greenwood City, MS
National Register Historic District.
- Minne Lusa Residential Hist Dist
Omaha City, NE
National Register Historic District.
- Bordentown Hist Dist
Bordentown City, NJ
Nineteenth-century historic district that developed from a 17th century settlement.
- Mount View
Mount Holly Township, NJ
Neighborhood of detached, single family homes.
- Pemberton Hist Dist
Pemberton Borough, NJ
National Register Historic District.
- Tribes Hill
Amsterdam Town, NY
Historic Postal Village.
- Mifflinville
Mifflin Township, PA
Historic Village.
- Farmdale
West Hempfield Township, PA