Moore Street
A Moore Street is found in the neighborhood(s) listed below.
- Brightwood
Springfield City, MA
Springfield City neighborhood.
- Beaufort Hist Dist
Beaufort Town, NC
National Register Historic District.
- Jackson Hist Dist
Jackson Town, NC
National Register Historic District.
- Swansboro Hist Dist
Swansboro Town, NC
National Register of Historic Places.
- Oak Valley
Deptford Township, NJ
Subdivision of detached, single family homes ca. 1959.
- Old Town
Delaware City, OH
Residential neighborhood.
- Hearthstone at West Bristol
Bristol Township, PA
Active adult community built by Ryan Homes circa 2006 consists of 10 two and three story condominium buildings of 8 to 12 units each.
- Dickinson Narrows
Philadelphia City, PA
City residential neighborhood of early 20th century row houses.
- Pennsport
Philadelphia City, PA
City neighborhood with Mummers association.
- Pointe Breeze
Philadelphia City, PA
City Neighborhood.
- Roosevelt
Bellingham City, WA
City neighborhood.
- Elmwood
Providence City, RI