Russell Avenue
A Russell Avenue is found in the neighborhood(s) listed below.
- Hastings Hill Hist Dist
Suffield Town, CT
National Register Historic District.
- Suffield Hist Dist
Suffield Town, CT
National Register Historic District.
- The Gardens
Barrington Borough, NJ
Subdivision of detached singles ca. 1952.
- Rhinecliff Hamlet
Rhinebeck Town, NY
Historic Hamlet.
- Parkside East Hist Dist
Buffalo City, NY
National Register Historic District.
- Amity Gardens
Amity Township, PA
Neighborhood of detached, single family homes 1960 through 1990s.
- Douglas Meadows
Amity Township, PA
Subdivision of detached, single family homes ca. 1992.
- Cheyenne South Side Hist Dist
Cheyenne City, WY
National Register Historic District.
- Rainsford Hist Dist
Cheyenne City, WY
National Register Historic District.
- Bell Court Hist Dist
Lexington City, KY
- Laurel Oaks
Winslow Township, NJ
Subdivision of detached, single family homes.
- Lenape Farms
Amity Township, PA