Downtown Jaffrey Historic District, Jaffrey Town, Cheshire County, Jaffrey, NH, 03452

Downtown Jaffrey Historic District

Jaffrey Town, Cheshire County, NH

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The Downtown Jaffrey Historic District (also known as the East Jaffrey Historic District) was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2002. Portions of the content on this web page were adapted from a copy of the original nomination document. [‡]


The Downtown Jaffrey Historic District is located in the eastern part of the Town of Jaffrey, New Hampshire and comprises the village center which developed along the banks of the Contoocook River in the early 19th century, becoming the commercial/institutional focus of the community as well as containing its greatest residential concentration. The old turnpike, now Turnpike Road/Main Street, is the spine of the village and has roughly an east-west orientation. The Contoocook River extends in a north-south direction, and from the mid-19th to mid-20th century was paralleled to the east by the railroad. At the center of the downtown area, the Contoocook River is spanned by a bridge where five lesser roadways meet in a web-like arrangement of various diagonals. The irregularity of the road alignments in part reflects their beginnings as country roads leading to the grist mill at the falls of the river. The streets which converge at the bridge crossing include North Street, Peterborough Street, Stratton Road, Blake Street and River Street. Additional streets which enter the section of Main Street/Turnpike Road included in the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District include Bradley Court and Goodnow Street from the north as well as Ellison Street, School Street and Charlonne Street, south of the main corridor. Christian Court is a short lane extending from the east side of Peterborough Street.

The Downtown Jaffrey Historic District is bounded on the west by St. Patrick's Church (89 Main Street), on the north by the intersection of Peterborough and Cross Streets, on the east by the Turnpike Road/Ellison Street intersection and on the south by the old railyard and the River Street/School Street intersection. With the exception of these bounds, the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District generally follows the rear property lines of the buildings along Main Street and Turnpike Road.

Reflecting the evolution of the downtown over nearly two hundred years, the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District encompasses a wide variety of uses including single-family dwellings, multi-residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional structures. Wood-frame construction dominates although there are several brick mill buildings, institutional buildings and commercial blocks as well as two houses constructed of brick or stone. The commercial buildings include both blocks constructed in the early 20th century and former residential structures, which were retrofitted or added onto for commercial use, including one, which encompasses a moving picture theater. Public buildings include the town library (38 Main Street), police station (26 Main Street), several churches, a civic center (40 Main Street), former firehouse (8 River Street), and a school as well as several public spaces and monuments.

The Downtown Jaffrey Historic District illustrates an extensive range of styles of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and includes examples of the Federal, Greek Revival, Second Empire, Italianate, Stick Style/Eastlake, Queen Anne, Romanesque, Colonial Revival, Craftsman and Moderne. Most of the buildings in the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District are 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 stories in height. The downtown also includes one property, the Stone Brothers and Curtis (White Brothers) Mill (10 Main Street), which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

There are relatively few intrusions in the area. The most visible is certainly the construction of a large Rite Aid Pharmacy (14 Peterborough Street) at the corner of Turnpike Road and Peterborough Street in 2000. In the early 1960s a gas station and car wash were constructed in the front yard of the Alonzo Bascom House at 25 Peterborough Street. Other construction occurring within the district during the past fifty years includes a c.1960 house at 21 Stratton Road, the construction of the post office at 30 Turnpike Road in 1968, the former post office at 6 Blake Street constructed in 1957, St. Patrick's School addition at 70 Main Street dating to 1966 and the construction of the United Church Parish House at 54 Main Street in 1970. The alterations which have occurred to individual properties do not detract from the overall integrity of the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District, however the use of artificial sidings is fairly widespread. Within the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District there are 125 buildings that are considered contributing (as well as four buildings that were previously listed on the Register); and twenty-nine buildings which are considered non-contributing. The Downtown Jaffrey Historic District also includes four contributing objects and three contributing structures. There are also nine noncontributing sites, most of which consist of vacant lots or paved parking lots.


The Downtown Jaffrey Historic District is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Community Planning and Development and Architecture. It is significant on the local level and possesses integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling and association for the period of significance which runs from c.1800, reflecting the date of the earliest settlement in the area, to 1952, the 50-year cut-off date. The area has been a civic, religious, commercial and transportation hub for over two hundred years and continues to serve as the commercial, civic and residential center of Jaffrey today.

The Downtown Jaffrey Historic District is a well-preserved example of vernacular community development, illustrating the evolution of a village center over two hundred years without a deliberate design or plan. The Contoocook River served as an early focal point of the village, providing water power for mills. The establishment of early roads and turnpikes also played a pivotal role, resulting in through traffic, opening up Boston markets for local products and promoting the growth of local businesses. Later in the century, the railroad provided the means to move goods and passengers. The downtown area has served as the commercial and governmental center of Jaffrey since the 19th century and also comprises the largest concentration of residential dwellings, both single-family and multi-unit, within the town. The buildings of the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District include early residential structures which preceded the commercial and institutional development of the downtown; structures which reflect the downtown's industrial heritage (White Brothers Mill (10 Main Street) and the Alonzo Bascom House (25 Peterborough Street)); tenement blocks along Peterborough Street, Christian Court, Stratton Road and Turnpike Road which speak of the need to find housing for mill workers, more up-scale housing along Main Street, Turnpike Road and School Street and commercial blocks along Main Street which illustrate the era of prosperity of the early to mid 20th century. The varied institutional buildings including the Clay Library (38 Main Street), three churches, the former Fire Station (8 River Street), the Jaffrey Grade School (School Street), the Town Office (Main Street & North Street) and the Jaffrey Civic Center (40 Main Street) illustrate the increased concentration of services in the village in the 19th and 20th centuries. Taken together, the resources vividly illustrate the changing but always prominent role the downtown has played in the history of the town.

The Downtown Jaffrey Historic District is also significant architecturally as a largely intact and diverse rural New Hampshire townscape. The downtown is of particular interest for its wide range of early-19th to mid-20th century structures, showing the influence of virtually every style which found some popularity during this period. Structures in the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District represent a cross-section of architectural styles from the early-19th to the mid-20th century and display elements of the Federal, Greek Revival, Italianate, Second Empire, Stick, Queen Anne, Colonial Revival, Craftsman, Moderne and other eclectic variations. As is typical in small rural towns, there is a general lack of stylistic detailing and few of the buildings could be considered high-style. But together, this group of primarily vernacular downtown buildings form a cohesive unit, a distinguishable entity, whose individual components generally lack the same presence.

What is now Jaffrey was one of three Monadnock townships (the others being Rindge and Dublin) laid out in the 1740s. In 1749 the thirty-five square miles of primeval forest which became Jaffrey, known then as Middle Monadnock, Monadnock No. 2 or Middletown, was granted to Jonathan Hubbard of Lunenburg (Massachusetts) and thirty-nine others most of whom were residents of Dunstable (now Nashua and Hollis, New Hampshire). The first permanent settlement in Jaffrey did not take place until 1755 when John Grout came to town, settling briefly at the foot of Squantum Hill but soon moving to the area south of Gilmore Pond. By 1769 there were approximately thirty settlers, nearly all of Scotch-Irish descent. In 1773 the settlement of more than forty families was incorporated by Governor John Wentworth as the town of Jaffrey, taking its name from George Jaffrey who was a member of the governor's council at that time. The following year it was voted to build a meetinghouse near the center of town (now Jaffrey Center). Squantum Road (including Stratton Road) was officially laid out in 1775 but was probably in use prior. Main Street and Ellison Street (earlier known as Cross Street) are also parts of very old roads, one of the first four laid out by the town after it received its charter. North Street was officially laid out in 1785 but was no doubt in existence earlier.

The first mill in what is now was historically known as the East Village or East Jaffrey (now downtown Jaffrey) was built about 1770 by John Borland on the Contoocook a little upstream from where the present dam and bridge are located. Borland's lot covered the largest part of downtown Jaffrey. In 1778 Borland sold the tract, including his mills, to Deacon Eleazer Spofford who made many improvements to the saw and grist mills and also established a linseed oil mill on the east side of the river. Shortly thereafter Spofford built a large (but apparently short-lived) two-story house on the site of the present Town Square.

The establishment of the Third New Hampshire Turnpike in 1799 was to have a major impact on the town's development, diverting through traffic from Vermont from the neighboring towns, opening up Boston markets for local farmers and promoting the growth of local businesses to care for those passing through town. Much of the turnpike mileage in Jaffrey was laid over pre-existing roads and included what is now Turnpike Road (Rt. 124). The fact that Jaffrey townspeople were expected to pay a toll to a private corporation for the privilege of using pre-existing roads which they had built proved to be a major bone of contention. The toll booth erected at the Main Street bridge over the dam south of Deacon Spofford's mills was torn down by angry residents in 1803. The turnpike corporation was in financial difficulty by 1813 and in 1823 the road became a free road.

In 1808 the first cotton mill in New Hampshire was built at New Ipswich and soon thereafter a similar enterprise was initiated in Peterborough. In 1813, a company was incorporated under the name of "The First Cotton and Woolen Factory in Jaffrey" to create a similar industrial concern in Jaffrey. The company purchased Deacon Spofford's mill property and some adjacent tracts of land and in 1814 erected a wooden mill with a capacity of one thousand spindles. The company was in business for twenty-one years before being sold in 1834 to William Ainsworth. Deacon Spofford reportedly retained a portion of his land and built a house on the site of the present 43 Main Street.

In the early 19th century, commercial activity began to concentrate near the river crossing in the east village. About 1818 shoemaker Amos Tenney built or procured a store building, later known as the "Billings House" on what is now the Town Square. In 1827 Captain John Wright built a store building to the north, the present 5 North Street. Joel O. Patrick built a store at 23 Main Street in 1826.

Perhaps the earliest extant residential structure in the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District is the c.1800 house at the core of the present 19 Main Street, nearly totally obscured by the 1914 addition of a commercial front and theater. According to local historical sources, the house at 9 Ellison Street incorporates an earlier house built on this site in 1799 by John Byam of Chelmsford, Massachusetts, although the present house would appear to date to a later, c.1830 period. Among the more intact private residences erected during this early period of development were two houses for Jonas Melville, a prominent local merchant. The brick house at 25 Turnpike Road was constructed in 1824 while four years later Melville had Oliver Warren construct him a fine Federal style stone house at 74 Main Street, considered the finest on the turnpike at the time. Other early houses in the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District include 88 Main Street constructed c.1830 and the Baptist Parsonage at 39 Turnpike Road, also built c.1830.

The growth of the village in the early 19th century also resulted in the construction of several ecclesiastical buildings. Founded in 1814, the First Baptist Church was the second ecclesiastical society to be organized in Jaffrey and erected a church building on Turnpike Road in 1829-30 (demolished 1968). The First Universalist Society of Jaffrey was organized in 1822 but did not construct its building at 33 Main Street until 1844. The East Congregational Church at 54 Main Street was constructed in 1850 after a group of parishioners from the Brick Church in Jaffrey Center sought to establish a church more conveniently located to those in the east village. The church was built on land which was donated for the purpose by Jonas Melville and was designed by Samuel Laws.

As described in the town history, in 1837 the houses in the village were few and mostly small. Buildings in the village included a blacksmith and coal house on the corner in the center of the village, an old red tin-shop on the common and a string of old hotel buildings. The village school was half a mile a way and there was no post office. There was no River Road and many of the roads were in substandard condition. In 1842 a new two-story schoolhouse was constructed at what is now 32 School Street in closer proximity to the village. The new building was only used for ten years before a new brick schoolhouse was built. A post office was established in the village in 1845 and at that time the name of the village, then known as Factory Village, was changed to East Jaffrey.

The growth of East Jaffrey at the mid century is perhaps nowhere as evident as in the profusion of Greek Revival style dwellings constructed in the 1840s and 1850s. In 1844 the local cotton factory was acquired by Alonzo Bascom (also the village's first postmaster), who built himself an impressive Greek Revival residence c.1848 at 25 Peterborough Street near the mills. Another prominent local resident, John Conant, constructed a 2-1/2-story dwelling with pediment front at 46 Turnpike Road about 1850. The 1-3/4-story, gable-front houses at 21 River Street, 10 Turnpike Road and 21 River Street are all good examples of the Greek Revival. More modest 1-1/2-story, gable-front Greek Revival style dwellings include those erected at 32 River Street by Isaac Nutting about 1846; the c.1850 Lacy House at 35 Main Street; 9 Ellison Street c.1840 and 22 Turnpike Road c.1840.

During this period small shops and businesses continued to be interspersed throughout the residential areas of East Jaffrey. The house at 13 Stratton Road, was originally utilized as a blacksmith shop. Another small blacksmith shop was located for many years at 6 River Street near the Main Street intersection. N.W. Mower operated a wheelwright shop in connection with his dwelling at 13-15 Turnpike Road. According to the town history, James Bolster and Aaron Perkins operated stages between Jaffrey and Winchendon, Massachusetts in the early-to-mid 19th century and the houses at 35 Main Street or 43 Main Street may have served as stage stations.

The 1850s saw various major improvements in East Jaffrey village. The Monadnock Bank began operations in 1851 and was initially located in the front room of the Italianate style house of cashier Peter Upton at 41 Main Street. School Street was laid out in 1853 in anticipation of the construction of the brick Union Hall, completed in 1854. In 1859 the old Fairbanks Hotel on the north side of Main Street was remodeled into the Granite State Hotel. All of these improvements were largely completed due to the efforts of Peter Upton.

East Village continued to thrive in the period after the Civil War. In 1868, Alonzo Bascom, wishing to share his prosperity with the town, constructed a new brick cotton mill south of the former wooden factory (which remained standing until the summer of 1873). However, due to Bascom's ill health the new mill stood empty for nearly two years before it was sold to Stone Brothers & Curtis of Philadelphia and New York. In 1872 the company expanded the facility through the construction of a new brick building on the east side of the river to house a boiler room, machine shop, picker room and dye house. The factory began operating about October 1, 1872 and employed about 100 workers with machinery consisting of 4,000 spindles and 110 looms producing 3,000 to 4,000 yards of blue and brown denim a day. The company also operated a grist mill, saw and planing mill and manufactured shingles, lath, finished lumber and boxes. As a result of the 1873 financial panic, the mills were closed in 1875. In 1877 the mills were bought by Joseph and Zadoc White of Winchendon, Massachusetts.

Although there was support for a railroad through Jaffrey as early as 1842, it was not until 1870 that the rails finally reached East Jaffrey. The first regular trip of the Monadnock Railroad between Winchendon and Jaffrey was run on November 22, 1870. In 1874 the Monadnock Railroad was leased for ninety-nine years to the Boston, Barre & Gardner Railroad. In 1873 the Mondadnock Bank built its first separate bank building, on the approximate location of the present Police Station (26 Main Street). The brick building with mansard roof was designed by architect H.M. Francis of Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Several stores were located on the ground floor and basement with the banking room on the second floor and a Masonic Hall on the third. On March 21, 1875 both the bank and the adjacent Granite State Hotel burned to the ground. The hotel and bank were quickly rebuilt but burned again in March 1877. In 1877 a third Granite State Hotel was built of brick and the following year the bank was rebuilt again, although this time the two traded sites.

A number of elaborate residences constructed on School Street in the 1870s reflect the general prosperity of the village during this period. In 1872 Byron Bartlett constructed the highly-detailed Italianate style house at 8 School Street for merchant James Lacy. Across the street Derostus Emory built an additional Italianate style house at 7 School Street in 1877. The house at 14 School Street is an outstanding example of the Stick style constructed for Walter L. Goodnow, the founder of what grew to be a chain of twenty-three stores scattered throughout much of New England. In the 1880s, the Universalist Church at the corner of School and Main Streets saw the addition of a large ornate Town Clock to the steeple. Spurred by an influx of Irish and French Canadian immigrants to work in the mills, the first St. Patrick's Church was built at the west end of the district in 1887.

Between 1890 and 1900 the population of the town increased from 1,469 to 1,891, an increase of almost 29%. In physical terms, this population growth manifested itself in the construction of a large number of Queen Anne style residences including 31 River Street; 10 and 12 Stratton Road; and 49 Main Street. These were constructed for some of the town's most prominent citizens including merchants, the local agent of the express office and the town physician. Best exemplifying the decorative characteristics of the style is the Charles Kittredge House and carriage barn erected c.1898 at 5 Ellison Street.

The Clay Memorial Library (38 Main Street), made possible by a gift from Susan B. Clay, was constructed in 1896. An excellent example of Romanesque Revival architecture, the library was designed by Fitchburg architect H.M. Francis. Complementing the library, the Soldiers' Monument on the front lawn was dedicated in 1899. Other institutional components of the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District included the construction of the St. Patrick's Rectory, a Shingle/Colonial Revival style dwelling, in 1897. Other major building projects completed in 1897 included additions which doubled the size of White Brothers' two mill buildings on the east and west banks of the river. At about the same time Homer White of White Brothers Company constructed a new residence at 20 River Street, a short distance from the mills. Walter Goodnow built a new store on what is now Goodnow Street in 1897 (no longer extant).

Between 1910 and 1920 the population of Jaffrey increased more than 20% from 1,895 to 2,303 persons. Much of this new population found work in the mills and housing in newly constructed tenements and apartment buildings in East Jaffrey. In some instances earlier, single-family dwellings were converted to multi-family use. Such was the case with the former Robbins House at 18 Stratton Road, a c.1840 dwelling expanded to a three-unit building in 1906 by Auguste Bemier. Other tenements intended to house mill workers were constructed at 22 Stratton Road; 37 Peterborough Street; 40 Peterborough Street and 8 Christian Court. The Carl Butler Apartment Building at 12 Turnpike Road is a distinctive stuccoed and yellow brick apartment building constructed c.1924, reflecting the influence of both the Craftsman and Colonial Revival styles. The Leonard St. George Apartment Building at 19 Stratton Road was Jaffrey's first large, heated apartment building.

Single-family dwellings were also constructed throughout the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District in a variety of eclectic 20th century styles. These residences included modest Bungalows such as 34 Peterborough Street as well as Foursquares such as 36 Peterborough Street and 19 Turnpike Road. The William Leighton House at 15 Ellison Street is a distinctive 1-3/4-story cross-gambrel Colonial Revival dwelling. The Duncan family constructed a Cape Cod dwelling at 63 Main Street while mill owner Merrill Symonds had a Dutch Colonial house constructed on the newly laid out Bradley Court (5 Bradley Court). The Poole House at 75 Main Street is a c.1935 Colonial Revival dwelling. In addition, many residential properties throughout the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District saw the construction of detached garages during this period.

The early 20th century also brought dramatic changes to the downtown as many earlier commercial buildings were replaced by new modem structures or updated by significant additions. In 1914 Romolo Vanni bought the former Jule Durant House which he elevated, building a store below and a movie theater behind (19 Main Street). At about the same time, next door the Duncan Family replaced their previous building at the corner of Main and River Streets with the present stuccoed block structure (17 Main Street). Down the street, the former Powers Block at 23 Main Street, a 2-1/2-story, side-gabled building received a major two-story front addition including modern storefronts about 1925. A similar transformation took place at the Burpee Block at the corner of Main and School Streets (3 School Street). Two Neoclassical blocks, the Swig Block at 21 Main Street and the Bean Block at 1 Main Street were constructed in 1928. On the north side of the street the third Granite State Hotel burned in 1923 and the owners of the property donated the site to the town for a future town office which was not constructed until 1954. In order to meet the needs of a growing parish, a new St. Patrick's Church (89 Main Street) was constructed out of local fieldstone in 1916-17.

The decade of the 1930s witnessed a number of municipal improvement projects. A World War I memorial was installed at the Town Square in 1930 and a new fire station was constructed at 8 River Street in 1932. Following the 1938 flood a new dam was built on the Contoocook River adjacent to the new Main Street bridge. A new Jaffrey Grade School was constructed on School Street in 1938, utilizing W.P.A. funds. In another sign of the times and demonstrating the onset of the automobile age, several service stations were constructed in the Downtown Jaffrey Historic District during this period. A Socony (later Mobil) gas station (7 Main Street) was located at the corner of Main and River Streets after the 1938 flood. Dillon's Garage at 28 Peterborough Street was constructed in 1936. In 1940 Oscar J. Dillon, a prominent local automobile dealer and garage man, also built a new Moderne style business block (2 Main Street) at the corner of Main and Peterborough Streets, on the site of White Brothers' "corner lot," White Brothers' mill house No. 3 and White Brothers' boarding house.

The mid 20th century saw substantial changes to several community landmarks. The village elm at the corner of Main and North Streets was removed in 1934. Its growth rings indicated that it had been planted in the early 1730s. In 1939 the First Universalist Church disbanded and ownership of the building, now known as the Cutler Memorial Building (33 Main Street), was transferred to the Jaffrey Woman's Club. In 1946 Town Meeting voted to eliminate the word "East" in East Jaffrey and thence forward the village was known as Jaffrey Village. The last passenger train pulled out of the Jaffrey station (9 Blake Street) on March 7, 1953. A Colonial Revival town office building (26 Main Street) was finally constructed on the site of the former Granite State Hotel in 1954. Also in 1954, dial telephone service became a reality. In 1957, a new brick building to accommodate the Post Office was erected at 6 Blake Street by Leonard St. George. The Jaffrey Civic Center was constructed at 40 Main Street in 1965-6 on the site of the former Dr. Bradley House. The old brick mill chimney, a long-time landmark in the downtown, was removed in 1966. In 1968 the 1829 First Baptist Church on Turnpike Road was torn down to make way for a new Colonial Revival Post Office (30 Turnpike Road). Residential construction has been nearly nonexistent in recent years, except for the construction of a double house at 21 Stratton Road.

In Jaffrey, as in many communities across the country, greater mobility and the regionalization of the economy greatly damaged the viability of the commercial center. Increasingly, the downtown found itself unable to compete with nearby malls, shopping centers, and superstores. However, in recent years, local residents and officials have banded together to stem the decline of the retail/commercial center. In 1999 Jaffrey was selected to join the New Hampshire Main Street Program. TEAM Jaffrey, an organization of volunteers operating under the jurisdiction of the Main Street Program, has sponsored various activities to revitalize the downtown, promote tourism, support existing businesses and encourage new business activities. In addition to sponsoring the preparation of this National Register nomination, TEAM Jaffrey has also developed voluntary Design Guidelines. The development of a new Rite-Aid Pharmacy (14 Peterborough Street) in 1999-2000 is evidence that at least one national retailer sees potential in the downtown. During the same period, federal funds were used to rehabilitate housing stock and create a small number of affordable housing units in the downtown. The town has made a commitment to its historic downtown by establishing a Tax Increment Finance (TIP) District. Today, Jaffrey residents and officials continue to work together to revitalize their downtown and keep it a vital center of community life.


Annett, Albert and Alice E.E. Lehtinen. History of Jaffrey (Middle Monadnock) New Hampshire; An Average Country Town in the Heart of New England (referred to as Town History, vol. 1). Jaffrey: Published by the Town, 1937.

Annett, Albert and Alice E.E. Lehtinen. The Generations of Jaffrey, New Hampshire, Arranged after their Families (referred to as Town History, vol. 2). Jaffrey: Published by the Town, 1934.

Annett, Albert. "The Making of a Town. Being Some Account of the Settlement and Growth of the Town of Jaffrey," Granite Monthly, August 1899, vol. XXVII, no. 2, pp.67-105.

Cheshire County Register of Deeds, various volumes.

Child, Hamilton, compiler and publisher. Gazetteer Cheshire County, New Hampshire, 1736-1885, Part First. Syracuse, New York: Printed at the Journal Office, 1885, pp.204-223.

Historical Society of Cheshire County. Forty Years Behind the Camera, Cheshire County photographs by J.A. French, 1861-1898. Keene, NH: Historical Society of Cheshire County, 1991.

Jaffrey History Committee, History of Jaffrey, New Hampshire, vol. 4. Published by the Town, 2000.

Kidd, Coburn. Jaffrey Roads and Streets 1773-1980. Jaffrey: Jaffrey Historical Society, 1982.

Lehtinen, Alice E.E. History of Jaffrey, New Hampshire (referred to as Town History, vol. 3). Jaffrey: Published by the Town, 1971.

Monroe, Lynne Emerson and Hengen, Elizabeth Durfee. Historic Resources Survey of Downtown Jaffrey, 1986.

Ruell, David. New Hampshire Save Outdoor Sculpture! Checklist of Public Outdoor Sculpture in New Hampshire, 1996. [Division of Historical Resources].

Stephenson, Robert B. "National Register Nomination: Stone Brothers and Curtis (White Brothers) Mill, Jaffrey, New Hampshire," listed 8/10/82.

Stephenson, Robert B. & Seiberling, Catherine L. Jaffrey Then and Now: Changes in Community Character. Jaffrey: Jaffrey Historic District Commission, 1994.

Withey, Henry F. & Elsie Rathburn Withey. Biographical Dictionary of American Architects (Deceased). Los Angeles: Hennessey & Ingalls, Inc., 1970.

Maps and Atlases

Map of Cheshire County, New Hampshire, from actual survey by L. Fagan. Philadelphia: Smith & Morley, 1858.

Atlas of Cheshire County, New Hampshire, from Recent and Actual Surveys & Records under the superintendence of C.H. Rockwood. New York: Comstock & Cline, 1877.

Town and City Atlas of the State of New Hampshire. Boston: D.H. Kurd & Co., 1892.

Sanborn Insurance Maps, Jaffrey, New Hampshire, 1911, 1924, 1945. Microfilm collection, New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord.

‡ Lisa Mausolf, preservation consultant, TEAM Jaffrey, Downtown Jaffrey Historic District (East Jaffrey Historic District), Jaffrey, NH, nomination document, 2002, National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places, Washington, D.C.

Street Names
Blake Street • Bradley Court • Charlonne Street • Christian Court • Ellison Street • Goodnow Street • Main Street • North Street • Peterborough Street • River Street • Route 124 • Route 137 • Route 202 • School Street • Stratton Road • Turnpike Road • Union Street

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