Country Crossing, Warwick Township, Bucks County, Warminster, PA, 18974, Townhome and Condominium Neighborhood

Country Crossing

Warwick Twp, Bucks County, PA

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Country Crossing is a residential subdivision of 230 townhomes and 192 condominiums built by DeLuca Enterprises circa 1998.

Median interior living space is approximately 1,250 sqft. (condos) and 1,775 sqft. (townhomes).


Access to the Country Crossing neighborhood is from Bristol Rd onto Tulip Rd.

Nearby Neighborhoods

Street Names
Alexander Court • Birch Valley Court • Carrington Court • Countryside Court • Crossroads Drive • Holly Hill Court • Julian Drive East • Julian Drive West • Middlebury Drive • Monarch Court • Oaktree Court • Redmaple Court • Rolling Green Court • Shannon Court • Silver Oak Court • Strawberry Court • Summerhill Court • Treetop Court • Tulip Road • White Pine Court • Willowoak Court • Wimbledon Drive

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